Part 6 Meeting

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"Ok since that's out of the way let's get down to business, the reason I asked you guys here is that we need to discuss our next move in the war against the darkness," Han-Bin said, his voice filled with authority.

"It's not a war yet, Han-Bin na" Hao protested.

"You never know, the evil might strike anytime," Han-Bin argued.

"I agree with Han-Bin Hyung, we can't be too careful," Yujin said, supporting his best friend.

"Yujin, Han-bin hyung the darkness hasn't even shown itself for the past 30 years do you it's gonna randomly appear out of nowhere and say Hi I'm darkness and I'm back after 30 years to take over the world Nice to meet you".Gyuvin said joking

Ricky laughs and says "That's a good one".

"Gyuvin and Ricky Hyungs can you please take this seriously," Yujin said annoyed.

"OK Ok I'm sorry baby," Gyuvin said, giving Yujin his famous puppy dog eyes.

"Anyways since Gyuvin and Ricky Hyung are not taking this seriously me, Hao Hyung, and Matthew Hyung will be in charge and Gun-wook Hyung can you please help me with them ".

"Sure Yujininnie anything for our baby," Gun-wook said smiling as I blushed and Gyuvin saw that.

"Listen to the school principal saying he has been feeling the evil coming which means Gyuvin the darkness is saying hello to us," Han-bin said seriously.

"So what's the plan Han-bin Hyung," Matthew asked.

"Well, first, we need to gather intel on the forces of darkness and find out their plans. That's where Gun-wook comes in, he's been doing some research and has found some interesting information."

"According to my research, the forces of darkness are led by an organization known as the Black Hand, they've been secretly infiltrating the school for years, and now they're planning a major attack," Gun-wook explained, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and fear.

"Wow, Gun-wook, that's some crazy research you did there," Taerae said, impressed.

"So, what's the plan, President," Hao asked, eager to take action.

"First, we must gather intel and learn more about the Black Hand. Then, we'll figure out a way to stop their attack."

"Sounds good, let's get started," Han-bin said, determined.

As the meeting ended, Yujin couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and excitement. He had only been a Guardian for a short time, but already, he felt a sense of responsibility and a desire to protect the school and its students. As he left the meeting, his mind raced with thoughts of the mysterious organization and the looming threat they posed.

"Hey, Yujin wait for me," Gyuvin called out, jogging to catch up to him. As he got closer Gyuvin whispered to yujin's ears deep with his voice "what was that about are you and Gun-wook close"

"Yeah, Gun-wook and I are friends. Why do you ask?" Yujin answered trying not to blush.

"No reason," Gyuvin said, his expression unreadable.

Yujin raised an eyebrow, but before he could respond, Gyuvin was already walking away. "He's a weird one," he mumbled, shaking his head.

Yujin was puzzled by Gyuvin's strange behavior, but he quickly brushed it off and continued on his way, eager to get home and rest after a long day.

The next day Gyuvin was not present at school. Yujin was worried since he was never late, Yujin asked around but no one knew where he was.

Yujin was concerned about Gyuvin, so he went to check his house. As he walked up to the front door, he heard a faint voice coming from inside. He pressed his ear against the door and listened.

"Where is it? I know you have it. Just tell me where it is, and this will all be over," the voice said, a menacing tone laced through the words.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have anything," Gyuvin's voice replied, his tone filled with sarcasm.

"Don't play games with me, Kim Gyuvin. You're the only one who can open the book, and you're going to give it to me," the voice demanded, the anger clear in his tone.

Yujin was confused by the conversation, but he knew it was going to be dangerous. He quickly rushed into the house and found Gyuvin tied up.

"Yujin! What are you doing here?" Gyuvin shouted, surprised to see him.

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