Intermission part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything. All pictures and references belong to their respective owners. Thank you for understanding.

Hey guys depending when this is published on time or late. Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoyed the holidays with your friends and family. Anyway this will be the first of potentially many intermissions so expect to see more in the coming future. Also I'm planning to bring in a couple more guests and hopefully the last guests for this story. Anyway without further delay enjoy the chapter.

Beta Reader: Darkdecade97

Just as everyone was about to leave and witness the fight (A/n: one-sided massacre) a new portal opens up, dumping a new group of people. The new group consists of Thales cronies, some nobles from the three kingdoms, the parents and/or guardians (A/n: the ones that made an actual appearance or a very least have an description) of the students, Rufus, Cornelia, and Miklan. "Where are we?" Solon asked, eyeing his surroundings until he saw Thales. Who was being pinned down by Abraham's, Hellhounds. "Really more guests? I thought we had them all?" Shirou asked, as he checks the tablet that controls the theater.

"You, peasant! I demand that you tell me where we are!" Duke Aegir demanded at Abraham, who looked annoyed. "Uh, Father, I believe it's wise not to anger him." Ferdinand told his father. "Why would I be afraid of this peas-ack!" Duke Ageir started, before Abraham grabs him by the face. "Listen here, you little shit. I'm already quite pissed off and I don't want to deal with any of your bullshit. Now keep your mouth shut or I'll shu- *Splash* ....Well shit, I accidentally put too much pressure." Abraham casually announced. Since he accidentally crushed Duke Aegir's head, causing blood and brains to go everywhere.

"By the Goddess!" A Nobleman exclaims. Some of the audience members threw up at the sight of the now headless Duke Aegir. A couple fainted at how Abraham easily crushed his head without even trying. Ferdinand meanwhile, looked at where his father's corpse lays, unmoving. Since his mind shutdown. Edelgard meanwhile, smiles internally, she really wanted to see Duke Aegir gone for a while now. "Damn it, appears he's a strong guy like you, Dimitri." Claude said, nudging the blonde. "No, I believe he's stronger." Dimitri admitted.

" that really you?" A very familiar voice asked. "D-dad?" Dimitri asked, unsure if it was the voices in his head again. "Hahaha! It is you, my boy! Oh, look at how much you've grown!! And I just saw you as a small child last night!" King Lambert calls out as he hugs his son. Dimitri is shocked to see his father alive, so is everyone else from Fódlan. Meanwhile, Rufus is nervously sweating and fidgeting at the sight of his brother being alive.

"Look, Patricia! Look how much our boy has grown!" Lambert told his wife. Cornelia is now the one fidgeting nervously and sweating when she saw Patricia. "Okay, can you explain to our new guests where they are and why they're here, Shirou? Because I got to go get ready for the fight." Abraham told Shirou as he pulls out a Bible. Shirou nods as Abraham opens the Bible with pages spilling out and encircling him before stopping, revealing that he's disappeared. "What kind of heretical magic was that?" Catherine asked. "First, it's a Sacrament, and two, hello new guys, allow me to explain where we are." Shirou greets the new guests.

Time Skip

Simulation Room

Inside the Simulation Room, everyone was waiting for Abraham's arrival as his opponents laze around. "I guess the heretic was too chicken to face us." Catherine taunts. "Hold your horses, you daft cunt! I was looking for these!" Abraham announced. He was no longer wearing his suit, instead he was wearing a black short sleeve muscle shirt that clung on to his body. Thanks to the short sleeves, everyone can see the extensive scars on his arms with the exception of the hands, since he's still wearing his gloves. On his hips are two sheathed rapiers with different hilts and guards.

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