Chapter 1

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⎯⎯ ୨ Skating and the Host Club ୧ ⎯

(Y/n) was running late. 

This is something that usually happens at this time of night. She has to wait for her father to leave for his night shift before she can go out. And like most nights, he fusses over her and apologizes for leaving so quickly after dinner. He is gone most of the day, working hard to support his daughter. Although (Y/n) loves her father more than anything, he can never know what she does after he leaves.

"I'll see you in the morning my darling," he said kissing her forehead before he rushed out the door. 

She waits for the door to close.

For the lock to click.

For his steps to get softer as he walks down the stairs of the apartment complex. 

"You're late, again"

"Give me a break," she makes another quick turn. "You know how hard it is to get out of the house some days"

"Yeah yeah, just hurry" 

She hung up, she was getting close anyway. The figure of a boy leaning against a street lamp with a car next to him.

The boy looks up from his phone only to see the girl coming towards him at high speeds, causing him to jump back at the sudden appearance. She stopped right in front of him, the side of her lips quirking upwards.

She picked up her board and ran to get inside the front seat of the car. 

"Wha- Hey! You were late! You don't get the front seat" Reki protested rushing after her.

Oka, who was dosing off in the driver's seat starts the car as (Y/n) buckles up and Reki gets in the back seat.

"You two are late," Oka said starting the car.

"Wrong, she was late I was here waiting for her," Reki argued.

"If it bothers you so much you guys can pick me up in front of my house."

Oka drove them both to an underground mine, there were people on skateboards all around the car. Two people came rushing towards them before quickly moving out of the way before they got hit.

Reki sticks his head out of the open backseat window, "It's all hyped up as usual tonight"

(Y/n) hums in response her fingers running over her well-used board.

She made her way off to the sidelines as Reki rolled up to the starting line where a man was waiting for him. His face was covered with white face paint with green around the eyes. His orange mohawk was combed in different angles and she could see his muscular build under his black cropped shirt.

"I thought you made a run for it," the man said, not even looking at Reki as he stopped next to him.

"I'm gonna have you take back the fact that you dissed my skating, Shadow!"

The statement from Reki is met by an uproar of cheering from the crowd.

"It's a beef!"

"Shadow and Reki are at it"

"Show some backbone!"

Reki was not surprised to see that (Y/n) was not cheering with the rest of the crowd. She stood in front, one hand holding her skateboard up while the other was pushing back her short hair out of her face. Her eyes were excited as she looked at him though. It took him years of knowing her for him to see that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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