Party!! 🎊 🎈 🎉 (not my art btw)

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At Geoff's house;
Duncan was sitting in the corner sobbing as Gwen and Courtney were making out. Eva was listening to her mp3 player, while holding Izzy on a leash. Alejandro was talking to Heather for tips to ask Tyler out. Tyler was asking Lindsay something but started crying when she responded. Alejandro heard him crying and saw him running into a guest bedroom, he chased after Tyler, everyone stopping and looking at them for a second (except Eva) before resuming what they were originally doing. Izzy going crazy, Eva holding her back, Duncan crying, Gwen and Courtney making out, and Heather and Lindsay were now talking about how their plans had most likely worked.
"Are you ok in there, cariño?" Alejandro called out, trying the door handle, "j-just go aw-away!" Tyler responded, sobbing. "Tyler just let me in, please, I want to help you estimado." Alejandro said, the door handle not budging. Click! The door opened, Tyler was curled up in a ball, laying on the guest room bed.
"Hey, are you ok, cariño? You can talk to me." Al said, reassuringly putting a hand on his back, "n-no im not ok! lindsay broke up with me, all because I came out a said I thought I was a pansexual!" Tyler blurted out, "oh, y-you probably think I'm weird, don't you?" he assumed from Al's silence that he thought he was a freak.
Suddenly Alejandro kissed Tyler! Tyler wasn't expecting it, so he pulled away, "w-wha-" Tyler was cut off by Al covering his mouth, "I can't stop thinking about you, mi amor, Tyler, te necesito." Alejandro replied, kissing him again, this time, Tyler didn't pull away. He sat there and enjoyed the kiss. The kiss lasted for a minute or so before Alejandro pulled away, gasping for air, Tyler was redder than his headband. blushing, he ran to the bathroom, "that did not just happen.. it felt so good, I never wanted it to end.." he muttered to himself, he obviously enjoyed it, as he didn't pull away during the second kiss. but did Al?
"TRUTH OR DARE!!" Tyler heard Izzy yell from downstairs, Tyler left the bathroom, not blushing anymore, "shall we?" Al asked pointing to the door, "let's go! I don't want to miss out on truth or dare!" Tyler exclaimed, launching himself out the door, and down the stairs to sit in a circle with the others, Al coming down the stairs and siting next to Tyler last.
"So Tyler, truth or dare?" Geoff asked, "dare! I'm not a scaredy-cat!" Tyler responded, confidently. "Play 7 minutes in heaven with Alejandro!" Geoff said, excited, "o-ok.." Tyler said, not sounding very confidant now. Noah led them to the closet they were going to play. Noah and Geoff walked up behind the two and shoved them into the big open closet and closed the door.
Tyler was shoved in first, so when Alejandro was shoved in, he landed on top of Tyler, they both started blushing, and Alejandro moved away, embarrassed and blushing.
"So.. did you really mean that kiss?" Tyler asked, a little nervous, "of course I did, I-...... I really like you Tyler..." with Al saying that, tyler crawled over and gave him another kiss, one of the most passionate French kisses ever, as Alejandro was crouching, he toppled on top of Tyler when they broke the kiss. Alejandro suddenly started kissing Tyler's neck softly, leaving a few marks around the top of his neck and his shoulders. "gah!" the jock exclaimed in surprise, "a-al! w-wha!"

Wow! 599 words!


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