Character Info

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Name: Armaros

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Name: Armaros

Demon Lord Armaros
Demon Lord of Deceit
The Great Destroyer
Demon Prince of Deceit

Enkvaros of the Mind (Father)
R'reya the Saint (Mother)
Diablo (Distant Relative)

Enkvaros Castle

Martial Status: Single

Date of Birth: Not mentiond

Place of Birth: Enkvaros Castle

Date of Disappearance: Cross Reverie *Varies* The other world *Lyferian calendar 135*

Species: Demon (Human-Fallen Hybrid)

Gender: Male

Age: Not Specified (70-100 years)

Eye Color:
Yellow-Orange (Normal)
Varies (Via Demon Eyes)

Hair Color: Oily Green

Armaros is the former Demon Prince, and the Demon Lord of Deceit, the offspring of Enkarvaros the Demon Lord of the Mind, and R'reya the Saint. He possesses formidable, and immense power, both physically and magically. His powers earned him the title the Great Destroyer, due to his peerless ability to bring about calamity and destruction. Despite the prejudice due to his heritage, his power is both respected and feared.

Appearance: Armaros as a member of the demon race, is blessed with a striking appearance befitting his heritage. He possesses oily green hair that flows down in spiky waves, contrasting beautifully with his mesmerizing yellow-orange eyes, with slightly slit pupils. He bears his proud golden demon horns elegantly curved from his forehead, symbolizing his royal heritage, of which he can hide, as well as sharp clawed hands. His physique while appearing rather lanky, when bare exudes strength and agility, with a well-toned build and an aura of power. Additionally, a pair of magnificent demon wings which he can hide rest gracefully on his back, granting him the ability to soar through the skies with grace and speed. His outfit as a ruler of demons consists of a dark jacket with gold trim around the seams, the bottom partially opened to reveal his waist. He wears short black pants which are the same color as his top, the former of which is tucked into a pair of large dark boots that cover his goat-like calves and feet. Over his clothing he wears a high-collared cape in the same colors as his jacket, fastened at the front with a thin golden chain, and held in place by large shoulder pads bearing a small resemblance to his horns.

In his childlike form Armaros basically appears the same as he does regularly except he is much smaller, appearing around the age of a 5-6 year old and his face is slightly more rounded befitting that of a kid, and his horns strunk drastically.

Backstory: In terms of Cross Reverie, Armaros existed as the son of Enkarvaros the Demon Lord of the Mind, and an unnamed human Saint Woman. He would be another Boss Event for players. The Developers believed it was time for Armaros to make an exit, for the next generation Demon Lord, and next questline for players. The Quest was a limited one day Quest called Invasion!: Enkvaros Castle, a quest in which the Players would come with an army of human Saints to defeat Armaros. If defeated there would be a cutscene in which Amraros weakened would be attacked by a human priest who would banish Armaros who would never be seen again. The Players would then potentially be granted a random pair of the Demon Eyes possessed by Armaros, or the High Grade Demonic Sowrd Iganokami Kanemichi. The first player to defeat Armaros would be granted a pair of Demon Eyes of their choice and the Demon Sword Iganokami Kanemichi. When the day ends in terms of Cross Reverie, it would be said that the human Saints defeated Armaros and banished him away never to be seen again. In terms of his experience, Armaros's origins trace back to a forbidden union between a human Saint and Enkarvaros  the demon lord of the mind. This union, shrouded in secrecy, resulted in Armaros's birth, making him a prince of both demonic and human blood. Despite fearing the political implications his existence might cause, pride overcame Enkarvaros and rather than having Armaros's birth kept hidden, and raised in seclusion was announced to the world as the Demon Prince.

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