2. ᴋᴀᴛ's ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ

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„Armani! Mani, wait up!" the latina girl turned around, seeing Kat rushing towards her through the sea of people. A brunette girl was right behind her, looking quite lost. Armani stopped and waited for them to catch up.

„Hi, Kat." she greeted and hugged the blonde before looking at the other girl. She was pretty - blue eyes, long, dark hair. Armani hummed as she looked to Kat, waiting for her to introduce the girl.

„So, this is Hannah." Kat started, and Hannah did a little wave.

„Oh, right." Armani clicked her fingers, remembering how Kat told her about her friend coming to town. „Nice to meet you, Hannah. You have really nice eyes." she complimented, trying to make the girl feel welcomed.

You seemed so lovely, Armani. I immediately thought how I wanted to be your friend. You just had this aura around you, making people want to stick to you. I just wish I didn't.

„Thank you." Hannah  responded, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. „Are you..." she wanted to finish, but a loud yell interrupted her.

„Mani!" a booming voice was heard and soon after a rather tall boy approached the girls. He wrapped an arm around Armani and kissed the side of her head while she laughed and greeted him.

„This is Monty." Kat introduced, putting a hand on Hannah's shoulder. The girl nodded, looking forward to make another friend. Monty looked up and eyed Hannah, sending her a quick nod of acknowledgment and a tight smile, before turning back to Armani.

„Come, I need a partner for beer pong." he said, grabbing her wrist and tugging on it as a kid would do to his mother. Armani chuckled and turned to Hannah.

„It was nice meeting you. I'll see you around." she smiled and let Monty take her away. Hannah waved before turning to Kat, who then introduced her to Clay.

✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶

„Woo! Take that, motherfucker." Armani cheered as she scored another point, making her brother groan.

„To hell with you, sis." Jeff said before taking a shot. She kissed his cheek before turning to Monty, who was busy with making another drink.

„Wanna do molly?" she asked, leaning close to him, a grin on her face. Monty looked at her, hesitant at first, but then sent her a smirk.

„Hell yeah I do." with that, they stood up and went to the bathroom. They sat on the floor and Armani pulled a small plastic bag out of her bra. Monty rubbed his hands and took one pill out, placing it on his tongue, Armani copying his actions. She exhaled as her body relaxed. Monty looked over at her, and they shared a chuckle as he helped her up.

„Come on, it's my song." she said, her voice coming out slurred. Monty mumbled something back, but neither of them understood, so they laughed and hung onto eachother, coming down the stairs. Armani grabbed his hand and led him to the dancing space, grinning like crazy. She felt his hands on her hips as they started to dance.

If you didn't know them, you'd think they were together. They moved in perfect sync, they acted comfortable around eachother. They probably would be dating, as they were a perfect match, if Armani wasn't gay. Monty too, but he had yet to discover that.

Hannah watched them dance, Clay by her side. She smiled as she watched Armani laugh, Monty spinning her around.

„They are so cute." she squealed, making Clay look at her as if she was crazy. „What?"

„They're not together, Han." he clarified, making her mouth fall open in shock. He nodded. „Yeah, um, everyone is just as shocked when they first hear. Mani has a girlfriend, actually." Clay nodded, fidgeting with buttons of his shirt. Being this close to Hannah made him nervous.

„No way!" the brunette gasped, looking back at the pair. Armani now had her arms in the air, Monty gripping her waits from behind as they swayed to Family Affair.


✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶

Armani threw her head back, time around her slowing down. She felt Monty's arms around her, keeping her from falling down. She chuckled to herself, spinning around, but then her eyes locked at someone.

„Cassie!" she exclaimed, rushing towards the blonde girl who smiled softly. Monty walked behind her, giving Cassie a cheeky grin and kissing her cheek. Armani then wrapped her arms around the blonde's neck and kissed her passionatly, making few people around them cheer. „Come on love, let's dance!"

Hannah observed the blonde. She was beautiful - her hair was falling down her back, her body dressed in a pretty, floral dress. She had a perfect smile, and her voice sounded beautiful as she sang along Armani.

Cassie was just beautiful. Armani was too, they completed each other perfectly. I remember seeing them dance. Armani, you looked at her with so much love and passion. I have to admit, I got a bit jealous.

„God, you're so beautiful." Armani muttered, kissing Cassie's neck. The blonde giggled, wrapping her arms around Armani's waist.

„You are too, love." she responded, kissing her girlfriend on the lips. Just few moments after someone ripped them apart. One boy took Armani, and the other took Cassie. Girls laughed, Armani hitting Justin Foley's chest as he started spinning her around to the music, Zack Dempsey doing the same for Cassie. Soon, Monty, Jeff and Sheri joined them, and the group had the time of their lives for the rest of the night.

Watching you guys was amazing. I always dreamt of having such a friend group - and I hoped I'd fit right in, become one of you. Oh, how wrong I was.

i hope you're enjoying the book so far.
the following chapters are longer than those two first ones, so please keep reading and have fun!

leave some comments, they keep me motivated and bring s smile to my face x

have a great day/afternoon/night!


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