Beginning - Chapter 1

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*Through the darkest forest night a young woman who wears a pink cherry blossom kimono and (H/C) short hair as you desperately runs away from your abusive husband the one, you thought someone could love and change your life completely after years of struggle at the entertainment district, but you were gravelly wrong as you could hear your husband screaming at your name that his gonna kill you KILL with a sword in his hand where you kept on running and running till you didn't realized she falls to the pit taking the impact of your body getting hit by boulders and sharp branches inflicting more wounds and bruises through your pale skin that your vision begins to blur as you landed onto the ground overwhelmed with emotions and fear of your husband that you must try to get back up but the wounds was to much to handle now were you uses little bit of strength left to crawl away but you were Immediately kick aside by your husband to the stomach as you scream in pain and coughs out more blood were you desperately cries to STOP*

"Please... No more... Please... Just let me go..." *You pleaded him, but her husband was blinded in so much RAGE that instead using his sword to kill you he begins to beat you up to DEATH before he could do anything else more he was suddenly stop and as his head slowly decapitated by a shadowy figure with a sword in hand as his body and head collapses to the ground in the pool of his own blood were you back to the ground badly beaten up and near close to your death*

"....... Sorry but not sorry... I don't tolerate anyone who hurt another being especially their own kind..." *It was a woman voice as she knees down in front of you asking if you're okay, but you were to injured or weak to reply back as she felt herself accepting her faith as her body being carefully picked up the woman and takes you somewhere were she whispers* "Your safe now... I'll take care of you..." *With those words your eyes close to nothing but darkness and silence now*



*Above the moonlight sky where you sat outside the wooden house of your savior home known as Akari Fujimori a certain demon who doesn't eat humans but only animals in a way to keep the balance between peace and humanity were even such as yourself have become a demon now too just like her but different cause you ended up having cat ears and a tail of it were your (E/C) become sharper like a feline which you didn't mind at all, but it was the only way for you to be ALIVE again and have another chance from that tragic incident but despite it all it was OKAY accept the part where you can't no longer walk into the sunlight but you're okay with that too cause your used to waking up at night and sleep on day where it's just the way how your routine works back at the district and even in the hands of your abusive partner* "Sigh... I never expected my life would end up like this... No matter. I'm still alive, aren't I? I'll just have to live with it and leave the past all behind." 

*You smiled and assure yourself that you will get through this and you're not alone on this because Akari was there to help and teaches you to only eat animal meat and that humans are just a living being like them who had families and dreams that you just leave or protect them if they are all in danger but if it involves with corrupted humans they must make a choice to either be killed or not be killed that even the blood of theirs shall NOT be tempted of the smell for human flesh were you managed to surpass this test when you went out scouting with her one time for hunting animals and even their own kind as part of a project that Akari allies working on for tests were she won't even tell you yet to who are they so as for now you both continue living on at your peaceful and survived through this crisis as your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming over to see your savior and master has returned back from her daily task were you stand up and exclaimed* "Akari-san! Welcome back!"

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