Panic in the nurses office

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Yes? both Todorokis answered

I mean Shoto Todoroki midoriya explained

Yes? Asked shoto

Why do you have a child?

Oh this is my younger brother Touya Shoto responds

Alright...,Nice to meet you Touya! Midoriya says putting his hand out with a warm smile

Midoriya? Did you break your fingers at practice this morning? Shoto asks noticing the fingers

Yeah I'll need to pass by recovery girls office midoriya stated

We'll come along Shoto says

Alright better get going then midoriya says

Walking to recovery girls office Shoto explained to midoriya who Touya was and his age, the two gained a lot of stares mainly because of the child Shoto was carrying

Midoriya knocked on the door and recovery girl opens and welcomes them

When they got a full glance of the room Touya shakes violently

I-i don't W-wanna... Says Touya stuttering

Don't worry touya it'll only be a check up nothing more or less Shoto says tightening his grip on Touya because he knows he'll start pushing

Shoto walks into the room sitting on a bed Touya in his lap as he watches recovery girl heal midoriya

I w-want o-out... Touya sobs as he clings onto Shoto

It's alright Touya I'll just look at your bandages and then you can go recovery girl reassures him

I-i d-don't w-want! Please... Touya cries louder trying to push out of Shotos grip

Touya.. recovery girl gently says to which he just started crying harder from

I-i W-want K-kie-go Touya got out between sobs and crys

Seeing Touyas state Shoto looked at midoriya who was staring at Touya concerned but got the message

I'll tell aizawa-sensei midoriya whispered as he leaves the room

Midoriya rushes to the classroom and slams the door open

Aizawa-sensei! Midoriya calls and  eyes turn to him

Where are the trouble makers? asked kiego refering to Touya and Shoto

Recovery girls office, Touya is crying and Shoto is trying to calm him down midoriya explained

Shit! Natsuo and kiego say as they run out of the room

Fuyumi can you stay here Touya will get overwhelmed class this is fuyumi Todoroki she and her siblings will be student's here starting today

And before asking anything about Touya all I'll have to say is he's the villain Dabi Aizawa explained , almost Right after that he Was out the door and the classroom was in chaos

Aizawa walked into recovery girls office to find that Touya was hiding behind a bed while recovery girl and the older Todoroki's where
Just trying to convince him to get out

Touya? hey Touya it's kiego... Kiego said as he went to his side

K-kie? Touya asked sobbing as he looked at kiego

Yeah here let's get out ok?.. kiego said as he put his hand out

Wh-what if H-he comes Touya started shaking intensively

I'll protect you! Kiego said

O-ok Touya took his hand and pulls himself up but quickly hugs kiego who wraps his wings around him

Tou-chan are you alright Natsuo says as he kneels down beside his brother

Natsu-nii...Touya said his voice small

Yea- Natsuo offed as Touya threw himself at him

Natsu I wanna go away I-i don't wanna be here Touya cried as he Buried his face in Natsuo's chest

Natsuo lifted him up, and walked towards Recovery girl

Touya I want you to look at the nurse he said too Sternly it made Touya flinch and shake a little so he added a "please.."

Touya slowly turned his head and when he opened his eyes he was surprised she looked nothing like Ujiko she didn't have Googles like him, her hair was long and tied in a bun like how his mom used and her outfit was way more colourful then him( Ujiko)

He relaxed a little bit but he needed to be extra sure

W-whats your name? He asked nervous

I'm chiyo my hero name is Recovery girl

Woah your a hero? Why aren't you on the charts? Touya asked

I'm a re-tired rescue hero she answered

Oh! That's cool! Are you aloud to use your quirk? Touya asked

Touya as happy I am about you being curious recovery girl needs to look at your bandages aizawa said

Ok...but can it be somewhere else it's scary in here Touya said quietly

We can do it in the backroom as long as I'm aware Recovery girl said

I'll head back don't take to long Aizawa said as he walked out of the room


Alright bye recovery girl! Natsuo said as he waved to her

Bye! Oh don't let him run around it'll deepen his scars! She said

Hai hai captain! Natsuo said as he held onto a sleeping Touya

Natsu-nii! Shoto shouted running away from kiego

Don't bring me into this he already warned you! Natsuo said

I don't remember him being this overprotective! Shoto defended

If you two wake Tou-chan up I'll end both of you kiego said

Mmm Touya murmurs waking up


It had been a total disaster when aizawa walked into the classroom the class was all talking with fuyumi trying to calm them down

Shut up you all will ya! He shouted he was really exhausted

You se-  aizawa started before being cut of

Aizawa-sensei why would you allow a filthy villain into the school!  Mineta said which got him sharp ice to the neck

If you call him filthy again I won't hesitate to slit your throat fuyumi said her eyes grey and dull

Fuyumi stop I was gonna explain to them before someone cut me off aizawa said

Fuyumi scoffed before moving the ice
From him

Alright since you guys saw hawks it should be easier to explain
Dabi has also been turned into a child

Fuyu-nee! Touya shouted as he ran into the room and hugged fuyumi

Touya stop running! Natsuo Came in after him and picked him up from behind which he Flinched about

Woah he's so small mina said in awe

For fu-fricks sake Aizawa pinched the to of his nose

Dabi is The child Natsuo's holding  questions? Aizawa said and a few hands got upp

No questions? alright Let's start the lesson Aizawa eyes turned red for a few seconds

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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