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•Recommended song for this chapter: You Belong With Me (Taylor's Version)- Taylor Swift
   John texted me today so we could hang out like we said during the party. I agreed since there was nothing better to do that day, not that I don't want to hang out, but he is not the first person I have in mind.

   Even though we had just finished eating lunch, I felt extremely hungry, which is weird. Without thinking much of it, I went downstairs to the kitchen to get a snack, just to realize that Johnson, or whatever his name is, was sitting on the couch while talking with Lover.
   "Oh I didn't realize Johnson was here" I said in a tone that was rude enough for him to notice I did not want him here.
   "It's actually John" he replied in the same tone.
   "Same thing Joseph, now what are you doing here?"
   "I'm just hanging out with Lover, is there a problem?" He said giving me a look that made me want to punch his face, but then I realized Lover was also witnessing the conversation.
   "There is no problem, I'm just not used to seeing you here, now if you excuse me.." I said while heading towards the kitchen. I hate that guy.

   That was weird, Rep never acts this way, and I don't think John did anything to upset her.
   "Don't worry about her, she is probably just in a bad mood."
"It's fine" he replied and we kept talking as if nothing happened, but there was some tension between them.

   After getting some food, I went to 1989's room since I needed to let out some anger. Midnights was already in her room, which was very weird, but I did not think much of it because of my anger.
   "Why is he even here, he is so annoying" I said
   "I'm sure your jealous" said 1988
   "Me? Jealous? I'm not jealous" I replied
   "Mhm, so when you saw them at the party it was not jealousy" said 1989 in a sarcastic tone.
   "Well, jealousy and denial do go hand in hand" said Midnights.

The afternoon passed and it was time for John to leave. When we were standing at the door, he looked at me weird and said
   "See you soon?" he said as he tucked hair behind my ear, that made me a little uncomfortable, so I took a step back. I guess he did not expect that because he tried pulling me closer but I quickly moved away.
   "Sorry John but that made me uncomfortable"
   "I thought you liked me Lover"
   "I don't really, I never did"
   "Well I like you know what? I'm gonna go, I really thought that waiting this long for you would be worth it."
   "John we can still be friends-"
   "Lover did you really think that I waited this long and came back after all this time just to be friends?" He said before slamming the door behind him.

-3rd person-
Lover started to tear up, and Fearless saw her, so she went up to her and gave her a hug.
"What happened Lov?" Asked Fearless
"We are not friends anymore, he just wanted to date me"
"It's okay, he was not worth it, you still have us"
"You are right, thank you"
"Why don't we all do something to cheer you up"
"Like what?"
"Movie night?"
"Okay! I'll set everything up but can you please take care of the food?"
"Deal, let's do it at around 7, so I'll see you then"
"Okay, cya!"

   Even though I'm a good baker, my cooking is not as good. I was in the kitchen trying to figure out what to do when I heard footsteps coming through the kitchen door. It was Rep, seeing her made me smile.
"Hey Lover, what are you doing?" She asked
"Hi! I'm trying to cook something but I can't really figure it out, I'm more of a baker" I replied happily.
"Oh, that's nice but where did John go? Wasn't he here?" She asked with a negative expression on her face. Her comment made my smile fade away, which is something she probably noticed because her expression turned into a soft, caring one as she said
"Well, it doesn't matter because you have me, look what you need to do is..."
She stayed with me and we cooked and prepared everything together. As we went into the living room to set down all the food, Debut, Fearless and Speak Now were all fighting with pillows, Red was talking with Evermore, which was unusual, Midnights was staring off into space, she was probably high, 1989 was acting like she read, but she was actually looking at Midnights with a frown, and Folklore was the one actually reading. Once we placed down the food, everyone sat down on the couches or the big bean bags we had placed on the floor. I ended up sharing a bean bag with Rep, which was fine, we were friends after all...right?
During the movie, Debut kept asking questions and making comments while Speak Now whisper-yelled at her to be quiet. This made me giggle because I also whispered questions to Rep during the movie but no one said anything, so we are probably very good whisperers. Anyway, we all ended up having a big sleepover downstairs because we all fell asleep there, which meant I fell asleep next to Rep, on the same bean bag.

Author's note: I'm so sorry I forgot to post this yesterday, but here you go! This one is not very good, so sorry about that.
Have a good morning/day/evening/night!

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