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Picture of Zeus^^^


"It was really weird Minerva. They said I'm their Queen. It was wierd," She listened intently drinking something from a coffee mug as I told her the story of how I met those guys saying complete nonsense.

"Just tell my dad what they told you and we'll all check it out," she said going back to her drink.

"What are you drinking ? ," she separated her lips from the cup and once I glanced at her lips I knew what it was. Blood.

"Where'd you get blood from," please tell me she isn't working part time in the blood drive again. Last time didn't work out so well.

"Actually-," as if knowing what I was thinking " I got it from the blood bank across the street, "

"There's a blood bank across the street? ," never heard of one.

"Yup," I nodded and the conversation ended there. She's too wierd to hold a longer conversation.

"We should get going to see my dad. He should know what to do," I nodded and we begun our journey to the Winchester home.

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