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The agency is a flurry of activity as clients and couriers drop off packages and Christmas gifts for agents in hopes of keeping their names at the forefront should any offers or opportunities be coming up in the future.

Tatumn's desk phone buzzes and she reaches for it, "Kay, just put whatever it is with the rest of the presents and if it's food send it on to the conference room."

"Actually, your Mom is on the line; said you weren't answering her calls. Should I put her through?"

"Tell her I'm tied up in a meeting and that I'll call her back when I'm done. I'm waiting on that call from England and I don't want to miss it or make them wait if she's in one of her chatty moods."

"She's going to see right through that lie like she always does."

"If you want to keep your job, just, handle the damn calls and do what I ask!"

"Girl, I love you, but you need to find a way to chill the fuck out! 'cause now you're just being mean."

"Remember who signs off on your paycheck."

"Bitch, I'm on salary."

Tatumn chuckles, "And who negotiated said salary? Who could re-negotiate a lesser salary?"

"Empty threats, TT, you love me!"

The line goes dead and Tatumn gets back to typing away a response to the message on her screen.

A few minutes later, her office phone rings and she assumes that Kayla has put through the call she's been waiting on and answers, "Good afternoon, Tatumn Milazzo speaking."

"Good afternoon, Tatumn Milazzo; this is your mother, Jennifer Milazzo calling."

"Hey, Mom; I told Kayla to let you know that I'd call you later. I'm waiting on a call from England."

"She told me and I promised her that this conversation wouldn't take long. Also, I may have let on that there was an emergency situation and it was imperative that I speak with you."

"Emergency? Is Dad, okay? Are you okay?"

"We're both fine. I simply wanted a yes or no as to whether or not I should be ordering a larger bird for Christmas to accommodate any guest you may be bringing."

"MOM! That's not even close to being an emergency."

"Well, today's the final day to place orders."

"You're kidding me, right? I can't even. Some of us have real work to get back too."

"So, reading between the lines, I'm taking that as a no, to a larger bird. What ever happened to that lovely girl, Samantha that you were seeing?"

"Honestly, there wasn't enough between her ears to keep me occupied for long. I asked her about the last book she read and her response was that she preferred graphic novels to books because they had pictures and were easier to follow."

"Oh dear."

"Yeah. Mom, I gotta go for real, the other line is flashing. Love you! Bye!"

Pushing the button for the other line, Tatumn collects herself before speaking, "Good afternoon, Tatumn Milazzo speaking."

This time she's met with the call she's been waiting on and spends the next hour going back and forth on numbers and conditions before agreeing to pass the information on to her client about a transfer from the Houston Dash to Aston Villa in the Women's Super League. Hanging up from the call with her client, she emails the terms and conditions over and awaits a response from all parties before the deal can be finalized.

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