Camila/ You

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A/N : OMG, already so many reads!! I would have never thought that! Thank you!

Your P.O.V

*click* your new youtube video started uploading, it was a q&a, some of the questions were: who is you celebrity crush? Camila Cabello duh, what is your favorite sport? Soccer, what is your quilty pleasure? Orange is the new black, and so on.

It finally uploaded so you went on twitter and tweeted: Y/T/N: I just uploaded a new video, go ahead and watch it, the link is in my bio.

After half an hour you got a lot of tweets saying:OMG Camila Cabello followed you! I went to her profile to check it and yes indeed she followed me! Then I got a dm, omg, it's from Camila!!
It said : hey Y/N, I was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime? We have a day off tomorrow. So text me? (camila's number) xx

Omg she wanna hang out!! I'm so lucky! I quickly  put her number in my contacts and texted her.

To: Camila

Heyy Mila it's me, Y/N :) I do want to hang out with you tomorrow, where do you wanna meet up?

From: Camila

Heey Y/N, should we meet up at the mall? Do you mind if the other girls come to?

To: Camila

No I don't mind :) see you tomorrow at the mall at 2?

From: Camila

Okayy see you then x

After that I didn't respond, I just couldn't believe it, me, of all out of the people. I saw that all of the other girls had followed me and out of nowhere I went from 230.000 followers to 101.000.000! wow.

'' Y/N dinner is ready!'' my mom yelled loud enough for me to hear. I went downstears an sat at the dinnertable, I only live with my mom, I was an only child and my dad past away when I was 3, so I am really thankfull for my mom.

''Mom is it okay if hang out with the girls of fifth harmony at mall tomorrow?'' I said while taking a bite of my delicious dinner. ''Ofcourse you can, aren't you a big fan of them?'' ''I am mom, but I guess they saw my new youtube video, followed me on twitter and then sended me her number'' I said. "Oh that's fun! I have to work tomorrow till very late" my mom said while cleaning up. "Okay thanks mom, I'm going to bed, I don't wanna look like a zombie tomorrow, have fun at work!" I said. "Thank you, goodnight honey".

~next morning~

I woke up to the sound of some really annoying birds, so I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower I brushed out my hair and teeth, put on some light make up. What am I going to wear? I went with grey pants, a red/blue flannel, my white low converse and to finish it up I put on a grey beanie. I went downstears, ate some breakfast and watched some neflix. When it was time to go I put the dishes in the sink, grabbed my keys and drove off.

When I was at the mall, the girls were already there. Now I was getting nervous and I think the girls noticed because they walked over to me and gave me a big group hug. ''Hey Y/N, I'm Camila, this is Dinah, Lauren, Normani and Ally" Camila said while pointing to them. ''I know who you guys are, I'm a big fan" I said smiling from ear to ear. '' Aaw we are big fans of you to!'' they all said. I couldn't believe it, they are a big fan of me? All I do is sit in my room and record some video's. '' Should we go inside?'' Normani said. ''Sure'' I said still a little shocked.

''Where should we go first?" Lauren asked. ''Maybe we should split up and meet eachother at Mc Donalds at 5?" Dinah said smirking at me and Camila. " I wanna go with Y/N!" Camila said. ''See you later'' we said walking off. ''Where do you want to go?'' I asked Mila. ''H&M?'' ''Sure leggo''.

''Y/N can you come look?'' Camila said. ''Sure, what did you try on?'' I said walking to her direction. ''That white dress you picked out'' (picture above) okay now I was getting nervous again, I sat down at a chair infront of the dressing room, she came out and I was speechles, she looked so beatiful. ''Y/N? Do you like it?'' "I love it! It fits you perfectly, wow" I said looking at her up and down. ''Thanks'' she said blushing and walking back into the dressingroom. Did I just make her blush? Maybe she likes me to, nah, why would she, I'm just me, nothing special. ''Should we checkout?" Camila said snapping me out off my thoughts. ''Yea" I said walking behind her.

It was 5, time to go to Mc Donalds, we were the first ones there so we picked put a place to sit, we just started talking about random things till the girls came. The first ones to come were Dinah and Normani. ''Whatsup Y/S/N (your ship name)'' Dinah said smirking at us, when Camila wanted to say something about it, Lauren and Ally walked in with there hands full with bags. We had some dinner and drove to my house.

Camila walked me to the door "I had really fun Y/N, we should do that again sometime, but then we go alone" she said winking at me. "Sure defently" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

Damn, I think I'm falling for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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