Chapter 4

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I waited outside the gates of the school for Joseph since we had to start our project first english.

As I waited for him, I pulled out a cig and light it. While I smoked, I couldn't stop thinking about how Joseph became so aggressive and then made it look like nothing had happened. But he wasn't the only one in the wrong, since I did try to slap him, but that only happened because he was acting like a jerk.

As I was stuck in my thoughts, Joseph appeared next to me. « house right? » he asked while not even looking me in my eyes  « yes, lead the way » I said.

The way to his house was made in a painful silence. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the cars passing by and eventually the people that we were passing.

« your mom home? » I asked to get rid of the awkward silence «  no, actually she's at work so its just us since my dad is also at work » he said while keeping his eyes on the road.

« Is something wrong? » I asked, I had never seen him act like this. « No...why? », « well you haven't really said anything » and as I said that he turned into a narrow corridor and continued walking until he stopped in front of a door « well good thing we're here » he said as he unlocked the door with a pair of keys that he kept in his pocket.

I walked in after him. The main door lead to a spacious living room, and as i followed joseph into a room, I noticed that the house was nicely decorated with flowers and plants. I would say the house was old money fashioned. « Your house is beautiful, really, i love all the flowers. » I said while looking around. « Well it's not my house, it's my parents » He said while opening a door that lead to his bedroom. « Can't take a compliment, check » I mumbled.

« So where are we working? » I asked while spacing in his room and looking at the stuff he had, « In the kitchen, just let me take your coat... » He said while coming behind me and helping me to take my coat off, as he did, his fingers grazed my bare shoulders since I was wearing a sleeveless dress. He gently took off my coat and hung it up, he chuckled, « What's funny? » I asked. « Nothing don't worry » he said as he showed me the way to the kitchen.

He pulled out a chair for me to sit, I didn't know he could be such a gentleman. « so I already organized our work so you will do this part » I showed him the book we were going to work on, « and I will do this part. » As I said that he didn't brake the eye contact « What? Is something wrong? » « No..., I mean yes,...Im sorry I acted like I did back in gym class, sometimes I just act like that... so yeah, sorry. » he said while fidgeting with the pages of the book. « Wait, is The Joseph Descamps apologizing to me?! or is this a dream » I said jokingly, and as i did he smiled.

We laughed for a bit. « Im also sorry, I shouldn't have tried to slap you in the first place » i said while looking at the floor. « No; don't apologize it was all of my fault, I was acting like a jerk and I took it to far » as he said that he lifted my chin up so that our eyes could meet each other.

My cheeks felt warm as he brushed a strand of my hair off my face. « you know,  you're pretty when you blush » he said while smirking.

I swallowed, and looked away, I cleared my throat « anyways... uhm lets start working » and so we did.

2 hours had passed and we had already finished half the project. It was getting late, so I had to get back home.

I was turning my gaze to Joseph only to find him already looking at me. « I think Im going to leave, it's getting late » I said while getting my things. « I need to get your jacket » He said as he got up and walked towards his room as I followed him. As we walked into his room, he took my jacket off of one if his hangers in his closet. « Turn around » he said and I did, he helped me put it on.

I turned around when I had my jacket on. No one said anything. The silence was unbearable. We were only a few inches apart, I could now clearly see his only eye, it was a light shade of brown and in his eye I got lost.

As I realized I was staring, I looked down at the floor, but as I did he lifted my chin back up. « You look pretty when you're flustered » he said while leaning in, but as he did I swerved his kiss. « What do you think you're doing? » I asked confused. « Well kissing you... » he said even more confused, « I mean it looked like you wanted to? » and as he said that I backed away from him. « You thought I wanted to kiss you? » I took a deep breath « not so long ago we were fighting, and before that you said that the bucket of water that landed on Michèle was actually meant for me » I said as anger took over me. « You think I wanted to kiss you after all of that?! » and as I said that he laughed. « Why are you laughing, do you find this funny? » I asked as I got closer to him, « you're hot when you get angry. » he said as he kept on smiling. I could feel my heart beating through my chest. « and couldn't you see all the signals you were giving me, I mean...blushing at everything I say, staring at me in class..., I mean, those are basically the main signs that a girl likes you », « first of all I am so not blushing at the things you're saying, Im just cold, secondly I am not staring at you in class, you're the one that's staring at me, and lastly, having a crush on you is the last thing going through my mind! »

I hadn't realized but we were so close that my chest was basically touching his, and i could feel his breath. My cheeks were on fire. And without warning, he crashed his lips onto mine.

He was rough with it and I couldn't stop him, I couldn't stop myself. I went with the flow and followed his rythme, as he backed us up on one of his bedrooms walls.

The kiss went on for about a good minute until I realized what was happening and pushed him off. He backed off and i grabbed my bag from the floor. « Asshole » I said while looking back at him. « Don't lie to yourself princess you liked it » he said as I opened the door to leave. As I walked down his hallway, I couldn't stop smiling even if I tried to I couldn't.

I could only feel butterflies.


Hope you guys like this chapter, I feel like this is better than the last ones I have written.

Comment and vote if you can;))

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