Chapter 2

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When I opened the front door to my house, my body went rigid. I could smell the visitors. Aged parchment, fine wine: Lumine NightShade's scent exuded an aristocratic elegance. But her guards filled the house with an unbearable odor, boiling pitch and burnt hair.

"Calla?" Lumine's voice dripped with honey.

I cringed, trying to gather my wits before I walked into the kitchen with my mouth glued shut. I didn't want to taste the creatures as well as smell them.

Lumine sat at the table across from her pack's current alpha, my father. She remained impossibly still, posture perfect, chocolate tresses caught in a chignon at the back of her neck. She wore her typical immaculate ebony suit and crisp high-collared white shirt. Two wraiths flanked her, looming shadow-like just over her slim shoulders.

I sucked in my cheeks so I could bite the insides. It was the only thing that kept me from baring my teeth at the bodyguards.

"Have a seat, my dear." Lumine gestured to a chair.

I pulled the chair close to my father, crouching rather than sitting in it. I couldn't relax with the wraiths nearby.

Does she already know about the violation? Is she here to order my execution?

"Little more than a month of waiting left, lovely girl," she murmured. "Are you looking forward to your union?"

I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

"Sure," I said.

Lumine brought the tips of her fingers together in front of her face.

"Is that the only word you have to offer about your auspicious future?"

My father barked a laugh. "Calla's not the romantic her mother is, Mistress."

His tone remained confident, but his gaze fell on me. I ran my tongue along my canines, which were sharpening in my mouth.

"I see," she said, eyes moving up and down my body.

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Stephen, you might teach her better manners. I expect my alpha females to embody finesse. Naomi has always had the utmost grace in the role."

She continued to watch me, so I couldn't bare my teeth at her the way I wanted to.

Finesse, my ass. I'm a warrior, not a child bride.

"I thought you might be pleased with the match, dear girl," she said. "You're a beautiful alpha. And there hasn't been a Bane male the likes of Renier before. Even Emile admits that. The union bodes well for all of us. You should be grateful to have such a mate."

My jaw clenched, but I met her eyes without blinking.

"I respect Ren. He's a friend. We'll be fine together."

A friend . . . sort of. Ren watches me like I'm a cookie jar he wouldn't mind being caught with his hand in. And he's not the one who'd pay for that theft. Though I'd been stuck with lock and key from day one of our betrothal, I hadn't thought playing policeman over our relationship would be that hard. But Ren didn't like to play by the rules. He was just tempting enough to make me wonder whether giving him a taste might be worth the risk.

"Fine?" Lumine repeated. "But do you desire the boy? Emile would be furious at the idea you might scoff at his heir." She drummed her fingers on the table.

I stared at the floor, cursing the flames that raced over my cheeks. How the hell does desire matter when I'm not allowed to do anything about it? In that moment I hated her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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