A Stroll around Ruberious (P/4)

335 15 30

Holy Mountain
Narrators POV

After leaving Akiko abruptly, Akimitsu appeared ontop of one of the buildings in Ruberious. The country had advanced alot ever since the looming threat of the Tenma War dissapeared, and it was a sight to behold when one watched from a huge distance.

He started to jump through the buildings, moving swiftly and as quietly as possible as the streets of Ruberious began to fill up with people. The sun had already risen from the horizon, so sooner or later the place would be filled with life once more.

He held an envelope in his hand, eyeing it carefully as if checking to ensure he didn't mess up anything... Then, in a flash, he threw the envelope really fast in the direction of a window. Said window broke from the sheer force that envelope was sent through, landing on the table whilst leaving a mess.

That should do. [Akimitsu]

Ignoring the shocked gasps and the scream of a woman from inside the window, he continued leaping towards his destination in a hurry.

So peaceful... [Akimitsu]

He viewed everything from above, watching the people open their stalls. Watching the soldiers start their daily patrols, watch those with families saying goodbye before they go to work. People carrying different products to different sectors of the Country where they would bargain for it's price. Ofcourse, the city wasn't nearly as lively as it would be in the day since it was still early, but it was lively nonetheless.

But with the current events, it probably won't last long. [Akimitsu]

Akimitsu refocused his attention and increased his pace, Akikos House was quite far from the Holy Mountain despite being located in the Capital City Lune. However, he wasn't called the fastest of the Primordial Dragons for nothing. It only took him about thirty seconds to arrive at the top of the Holy Mountain, landing on the ground gracefully.

Hmmm, the magicules have certainly dissipated. Sure was one hell of a fight. [Akimitsu]

The magicules which intoxicated the air after Rimuru and Luminous fought were still lingering, but it was so miniscule that it could be ignored. They were slowly dissapearing as the days passed by, allowing some room of air for lower lifeforms.

Akimitsu began walking towards Luminous's office, the palace was being repaired by her Vampire Subordinates that used a special device which kept them safe from the sun's rays. It was a ring designed and distributed rapidly for the Vampires, extras were kept Incase the current rings they used were broken.

Akimitsu walked between the broken halls currently under repair, greeted respectfully by the Vampires who knew of his existence. Most continued doing their work without batting an eye even if Akimitsu was Luminous's equal, mainly because he didn't mind whether they showed him respect or not.

He closed in on Luminous's office, opening it by the handle and barging in not even bothered to knock first. It was one of his many ways to annoy Luminous, ignoring basic ethics just to annoy the hell out of his companion. He'd even turn off Magic Sense just to excuse himself for "not knowing" she was here and barging in so impolitely.

Goooooood Mornin-Huh? [Akimitsu]

When he opened the door to her room, he wasn't greeted with the sight of an angry Vampiress ready to throw punches with him... If anything, the room was empty as hell. Her office seat was empty, even her table filled with paper was usually empty. The tables and chairs that were placed Infront, however, were pretty occupied.

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