Four: Elizabeth

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"What are we going to do?" London whines. "There are too many doors for us to search every one!"

The hallway branches off into different sections, making it difficult to search the maze of doors. Eliza eyes each of the sections, searching for a pattern or clue, something that hints at where they are to go.

There is nothing.

"Come on," she sighs. "We might as well start walking and see where that leads us." It isn't the most logical plan, Eliza thinks, but what else is there to do?

Sasha strides in front of the group, everyone following him without protest. Even Carolyn keeps her mouth shut, although Elizabeth is sure that she saw her roll her eyes.

The halls turn to the left and they silently make their way through the mansion, Eliza taking note of what turns they've made. Her eyes skim all the doors, hoping to find something to direct them.

"Ugh! We've been walking since forever!" Carolyn moans, much to everyone's annoyance. Sasha stops and turns to the whining girl.

"Well, Miss Web Girl, perhaps we'd be out of here sooner if you'd quit your complaining," he scolds.

"Perhaps you are leading us in the wrong direction!" Carolyn counters. "Heck, you might be the reason we're stuck here!"

No, he couldn't be. Elizabeth knew Sasha, and while he was dangerous and deadly, there's no way he could pull off trapping all of them in this twisted mansion. But then, if it isn't him, who did it?

"Sure, I managed to kidnap everyone and take them to a mansion that I don't know the location of," comes the sarcastic reply.

Eliza wonders where they are. She couldn't think of anywhere that had a mansion. Sasha was in Moscow last time she checked, and Emilie was stuck in London, England with some business. She has no idea where Presley was, but she does know that he was supposed to be with her in both London, England, and Paris.

Yes, she really needs to give him a good lashing. Make him feel the pain she did when she was caught and tortured. But she can see the way that Emilie is not-so-subtly staring at him. Eliza can't do that to her friend.

At least, not yet.

If he hurts her, she decides, I'll whoop him real good. She'd have to be quick if that happens, for Emilie's brother would for sure kill anyone that hurt her. Until then, Eliza must resist the urge to pound his smug face in.

While the group is walking, Elizabeth realizes they are one person short. She stops in her tracks. Eliza turns around only to find that Emilie is the one who is missing.

"Hey!" Eliza calls, drawing everyone's attention to herself, "We're missing Emilie. We should turn back."

"Why should we go back for her? She hasn't been much help." Sasha gestures back the way they came.

"Because we don't know where we are. If we leave someone behind, we might miss a crucial part of why we're here." London reasons.

"Fine." Sasha scoffs, "We'll go back. But if we become lost, that's on you two."

With those final words, Eliza starts walking back the way they came. Sasha follows, hitting London with his shoulder. London, throwing his hands in the air, chases after them.

With a flick of her hair, Carolyn trails after the boys.

After walking for a few minutes, they see a figure illuminated by the light. Emilie stands with her ear against one of the many doors.

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