Kryptonian Brawl

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Y/N flew over to the Scout ship wreckage and saw Zod kneeling on the ground in despair, Y/N landed a few yards away from him. Zod held his hand out which was full of dust and some debris

Zod: Look at this, we could've built a new Krypton in this squalar but you choose the humans over us

Y/n looked at the general with little sympathy, this man tried to destory his home and he expected him to feel sorry for him? 

Zod: I exist only to protect Krypton, that is the soul purpose of which I was born. And every action I take no matter how violent or how cruel is for the greater good of my people, and now I have no people

Y/N stood unphased by this

Zod: My soul, that is what you have taken from me!

Zod then launched himself forward, slamming into Y/N and sending him flying back.

Zod: I'm gonna make them suffer Kal, these humans you've adopted. I will take them all from you, one by one

Y/N clenched his fists in anger at what Zod said

Y/N: You're a monster Zod

Y/N floated off the ground and faced the Kryptonian general

Y/N: And I'm gonna stop you

Zod then began the run towards Y/N and Y/N flew at Zod, the two Kryptonians collided creating a huge crater un the ground before the two flew back into some buildings. 

Y/N crashed into a nearby office building and Zod soon jumped in after him, soon his eyes began to glow red before two red beams shot out of his eyes destroying everything he looked at, Y/N managed to avoided the beams. 

Zod eventually got control of the heat vision but the structure of the building they were in began to fail as it began to collapse, Zod quickly jumped out the window before Y/N flew out after him.

Y/N lost control and crashed into the streets casuing civilians to run, Y/n got back to his feet to see the civilains look at him in awe and in fear, fear in what was going on.

Y/N: It's going to be ok

Y/N did his best to reassure the people that it would be ok before Zod crashed down in front of him.

Zod: There's only one way this ends Kal, either you die or I do

Y/N looked around to see the people around him, defensless against the threat that was before them.

Y/N: Not around them

Y/N shot forward, taking Zod with him, trying to carrying him out of the city. Zod wasn't making this easy, causing them to crash along rooftops still trading blows. Eventually the two landed in a construction site, Y/N quickly getting to his feet before he was knocked back but a support beam that Zod hit him with before he threw it to the side.

Zod: I was bred to be a warrior Kal, trained my entire life to master my senses. Where did you train? On a Farm?!

Zod knelt down and the rubble around him began to shake and float, he then began to rip off his armor before floating in the air. Y/N stared at Zod who looked back at him with fury in his eyes, Y/N then launched himself at Zod which led to the two brawling in the air. Flying around each other while also trading blows, Y/N did his best to get the fight into non populated areas but Zod would throw him back into the main city.

Eventually the two managed to take the fight to space, Y/N threw Zod at a orbiting Satellite with Stark Industries painted on the side. Y/N flew towards Zod who pushed the satellite at him, Y/N caught the Satellite, hoping to return it to orbit but Zod crashed through it sending them and the debris back into the atmosphere. 

The two continued brawling as the fall took them back to New York and they crashed into Grand Central Station, they got back to their feet and Y/N put Zod in a headlock. Zod looked at a family that was fleeing in front of them.

Zod: If you love these people so much, you can mourn for them!

Zod then shot a heat beam towards the family but Y/N managed to keep the beams away from the family before pleading with the general.

Y/N: Don't do this! Stop!

Natasha ran into the station, seeing Y/N keeping Zod from killing the family in front the them. The family crying and screaming in fear sent chills through Y/N's body.

Y/N: STOP!!!

Zod: Never!

When Zod said that, Y/N looked at the family, the heat beams getting closer and realized there was no there way. Tears forming in his eye, he closed his eyes tight and with a quick motion twisted Zods head so fast that it created a sonic boom. The beams stopped at that instant as Zod's body fell to the floor, the glowing in his eyes fading. 

Y/N was breathing heavily before falling to his knees, this isnt what he wanted, he never wanted this to end in bloodshed but Zod was never going to stop until humanity was destroyed. Tears in his eye, Y/N let out a scream of anguish. 

Natasha walked up to Y/N as he knelt on the ground, he looked up at her, tears staining his face. Without hesitation, Nat walked up to him and hugged him tightly and he hugged her back crying into her. 

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