Green and Black Devil: 1

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A/N Thank you all for the love and support on the previous chapter! I want you all to inform me whether or not you want Izuku to be a full-blooded Devil or a partial Devil since that would require him to belong to one of the Devil families within the Supernatural world. If you all have an idea as to who he would belong to in that current order, please inform me in the comments down below! Let's begin! By the way if you want me to make Izuku a full-blooded Devil Inko will not be his birth mother and be his babysitter who decided to kidnap him from his original parents!

Issei had been sitting on the train with a sleeping Izuku as he had been thinking about the situation that the young boy had been suffering from. He pulled out his phone as he thought about how another boy was suffering under the safety of his home with his own mother. As Issei waited for his mother or father to answer the phone, he pulled Izuku's unconscious form to lean over his shoulder. He couldn't think of what to do about the young man so he decided to make sure that he could be the best older brother he could be. Thinking about it harder, he knew that he would have to cease all co-operations with his perverted friends in order to make sure that Izuku was alright. As soon as the phone was answered he heard the telltale sign of his mother speaking to him through the phone line. "Hey Issei, did you get the groceries that I asked for you?" Issei's mother asked, as the boy was quiet for a second. "Uh... mom, I-I think I just adopted a little brother." Issei said, as his mother was quiet for a second. "Is he perverted like both you and your father?" His mother questioned as Issei looked at the boy. "Not from what I think, he is in need of love as well as affection. And you are the only person who I personally think can help him though." Issei said, as he couldn't keep his eyes off the sleeping Izuku. "I will get the spare bedroom prepared then; I can only hope that you didn't kidnap him from his original home sweetie. But can you tell me why you adopted a little brother?" Issei's mother asked, in a concerned tone. "I-I just stopped him from jumping a few hours ago. I-I-I don't know how to be an older brother, so I am deciding to take a step back from being perverted with my friends in order to give Izuku some attention. From what I could see, he really needs it." Issei said, as he gave the boy a side hug. He didn't feel pride in the fact that Izuku leaned more into the hug, no he did not, he is a perverted coward, not a prideful bastard. You didn't see anything.


About an hour later, Izuku and Issei were seen walking towards the older young man's home within the town of Kuoh Town. They soon arrived at a two-story house as Issei started to wipe his feet on the welcome rug in front of the door. "Alright Izuku, I need to inform you about how my parents could be a little... excessive in terms of showing love. Alright?" Issei asked, as Izuku looked at him. "It would be better than what mine do. I have one living overseas because of my quirklessness, and a mother who cares one minute and doesn't the other." Izuku said, as Issei felt bad for him immediately. Opening the door, Issei had announced his presence as well as announced that they had a new son as well. Entering the room, Issei's mother looked into the hallway overlooking the front door as she saw Issei as well as a small form behind his back. Smiling down at the clearly fearful boy, she crouched down to be at his exact height, which wasn't much. "Hello there, my name is Miki Hyoudou, this perverted brats' mother. What's your name?" Miki Hyoudou asked, curiously looking him over. "M-M-Midoriya I-Izuku." The young man replied as Miki happily smiled at him. "Well I got some dinner started; you should get washed up. I will tell you both when dinner is prepared, and your room will be in the spare upstairs down the hall next to Issei's." Miki Hyoudou said, as she smiled down at Izuku and rubbed his hair. "I will show you to the bathroom upstairs." Issei said, as he had Izuku follow him up the stairs. Once arriving at the bathroom, Izuku entered the bathroom with a towel in hand as Issei smiled at him and told the young man to inform him about whether or not he needs help and he will be in to assist the boy. Whilst Izuku was in the shower cleaning himself up, Issei went downstairs in order to talk to his parents about what they should do with Izuku since he technically would be a kidnapper in the eyes of his mother back in Musutafu. "I can't believe that he had tried to jump, that kind of boy shouldn't even be thinking about that Gorou! What did he go through to make him think that ending it would be alright!?" Miki whisper shouted at her husband. "I don't know Miki, but we need to get to the bottom of this! No life is worthless! Not even one who doesn't have a Quirk! Many of scientists are quirkless and they make a difference in our world!" Gorou said, as Issei entered the kitchen. "Where is the young man?" Gorou asked, looking at Issei's arrival. "He's in the shower, but I think I know why he thought ending it would be a better choice than living on." Issei said, as his parents looked at him concerned. "What's wrong Issei?" Miki asked, as Issei looked at them filled with worry and concern. "Um, I personally think that he's being bullied like I used to. But this time, the bullying for him reached a point that he didn't want to live anymore, we can't let him go back there, not after I found bruises as well as burns all over his torso when I saved him from jumping." Issei said, as Miki and Gorou gave a tense nod. Hearing that a child didn't wish to live anymore because of the society that they live in is never a good thing to hear about much less see on your way doing groceries. "We will make sure that he gets the therapy he needs, my paychecks will help me in terms of making sure that he gets the help he needs. It might take a while, but once he is able to smile again happily and for real, is when we will know for sure that he is okay." Gorou said, calling up a therapist in order to talk to the young man in the shower. As Gorou had left the kitchen suddenly not feeling hungry anymore, he walked outside into the backyard as he talked to a nearby therapist for a session. Izuku chose this time to enter the kitchen as his hair was slightly damp as he looked around the room until he found Issei and his mother talking to one another at the Kitchen table. Sitting down next to Issei, the young man had pulled at the food at his seat as he looked up at Miki and Issei. "Don't worry we won't stop you from eating. You need to put on some weight little man, you aren't even looking healthy with how skinny you are." Miki said, as she pointed a spoon at him in a non-threatening way. They would eat dinner for around an hour before entering the living room as Issei went upstairs into his bedroom in order to clear it of porn he had stashed inside. With Miki and Izuku the woman looked down at Izuku as she asked him a question that was on her mind with how the boy seemed to fidget where he sat. "Alright, my son didn't get the chance to ask you this, but this isn't to say that you are, but do you think about girls in a certain way?" Miki asked, wording it in a way that might get the problem across. "What do you mean?" Izuku asked, as Miki cursed herself internally. "When you look at a woman like Midnight, what is the first thing that comes to mind?" Miki asked, thinking talking about Heroes might get the boy to talk better. "W-W-Well, when I t-think of her... I-I personally b-believe that s-she could t-tone down the s-seductive talk. T-The villains s-she fights could u-use that talk a-against her." Izuku said, as Miki released a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank god you aren't a pervert!" She said, as Izuku looked at her weird. "What is a pervert again?" Izuku asked, as Miki looked at him. "A pervert is a man or woman who makes seductive comments towards the opposing sex most of their time around them. Somewhat like Issei is, except that boy takes it to another level by peeping on the girls at his school whilst they are changing. But from what he told me was that he was stopping being a pervert to make sure that you are alright." Miki said, as Izuku nodded. "D-Does that mean you will tell me where babies come from?" Izuku asked, as Miki looked at him pointedly before blushing slightly. "D-Didn't your teacher's t-tell you that in school?" Miki asked, as Izuku shook his head. "M-My teachers th-think that I'm too d-dumb to learn something l-like that." Izuku mumbled as Miki pulled the boy into a side hug. "Don't worry little guy, they just don't know how smart you can become with the right conditions. I will make sure that the school district within our town will keep you learning better than that old school you went to." Miki said, as Gorou entered the building once more. "I got that session prepared for next week, ah, nice to meet you Midoriya-kun, my name is Gorou Hyoudou, I am Issei's father." The man said, as he smiled down sadly at Izuku. They boy bowed to the man as he was seated on the couch as he introduced himself to the man as he stuttered out his name. "Don't worry young man, I won't hurt you. I will just give a little tough love sometimes, so don't think that I hate you. Having a boy who isn't a bonified pervert will be nice to have for once, we will see what you can do to our Issei in order to keep him away from the perverted acts soon." Gorou said, with a laugh. 

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