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[A/N: basically any outfit Kevin wears, you have the gender end version of it so you two can look like cute matching twins]

"." Will be used a cut jump and timeskip

Kate: Where's my suitcase?

Harry [disguised as a cop]: Miss. Young lady!

Excuse me. Girls!

[to Fuller] Hey, little fella. Hey!

Excuse me, girls. Girls!

Hey, big fella!

Leslie: Help me make the beds in the living room.

Come on down here!

Harry: Hey, son!

Big fella.

Hey, little guy! Little guy!

Kate: Pete's brother and his family are here. Trish is going to Montreal.

Woman on phone: Montreal?

Kate: Oh, her family's there. Then we're off.

Woman on phone: When?

Kate: Tomorrow.

Woman on phone: You're not ready, are you?

[kevin walks in the room holding your hand]
Kevin: Mom, Uncle Frank won't us watch the movie...but the big kids can. Why can't we?

Kate: Kevin, I'm on the phone.

[on the phone] When do you come back? Not till then?

Kevin: It's not even rated R. He's just being a jerk.

Kate: Kevin, if Uncle Frank says no...then it must be really bad.

[on the phone] No, we're not bringing the dog, we're putting it in the kennel for the...

[Kevin plops himself on the bed and reads a magazine, you follow after struggling to get on the bed pouting as Kevin helps you]

Kate: Hey, get off! Kevin, Y/N out of the room.

Kevin: Hang up the phone and make me, why don't ya?

Kate: This kid.

Peter: Hey, did you pick up a voltage adaptor thing?

Kate: No, I didn't have time to do that.

Peter: Then how do I shave in France?

Kate: Grow a goatee.

Kevin: Dad, nobody'll let me do anything.

Peter: I've got somethin', why don't you pick up those MicroMachines that are all over there. Aunt Leslie stepped on one and almost broke her neck.

Kate: He was in the garage again playing with the glue gun.

[Kevin makes a throat slitting gesture to his mom as you play with your fingers looking at the curtains]

Peter: Didn't we talk about that?

Kevin: Did I burn down the joint? I don't think so. I made ornaments out of fish hooks for Y/N.

Peter: My new fish hooks?

Kevin: I can't make ornaments outta the old ones...with dry worm guts stuck on 'em.

Kate: Peter.

Peter: Come on, Kevin. Out.

Leslie: Do you guys have a voltage adaptor?

Peter: [hands Kevin and you to Leslie] Here's a voltage adapter!

Leslie: God, you're getting heavy! [puts him and you down] Go pack your suitcase.

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