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[Kevin and you are in the church; Marley is sitting in a nearby pew and asks Kevin and you if he can sit with you both. The choir is singing "O Holy Night"]

Marley: Merry Christmas. May I sit down? That's my granddaughter. The little red-haired girl. She's about your age. You know her?

Kevin. No.
You also shook you head no

Marley: You live next to me, don't you? You can say hello when you see me. You don't have to be afraid. There's a lot of things going around about me, but none of its true. Okay? You've been good this year?

You nodded excitedly as you look at the elder man.
Kevin: I think so.

Marley: You swear to it?

Kevin: No.
You chuckled making Kevin smile at your laughter.

Marley: Yeah. Well, this is the place to be if you're feeling bad about yourself.

Kevin: It is?

Marley: I think so.

You: Are you feeling bad about yourself?

Marley: No.

Kevin: I've been kind of a pain lately. Dragging my lil sister into my mess. I said some things I shouldn't have. I really haven't been too good this year. Yeah. I'm kind of upset because I really like my family. Even though sometimes I say I don't. Sometimes I even think I don't. Do you get that?

Marley: I think so. How you feel about family is a complicated thing.

Kevin: Especially with an older brother.
You nodded.

Marley: Deep down, you'll always love him. But you can forget that you love him. You can hurt them, they can hurt you. That's not just because you're young. You wanna know the real reason why I'm here?

Kevin: Sure.
You nodded curiously

Marley: I came to hear my granddaughter sing. I can't come hear her tonight.

Kevin: You have plans?

Marley: No. I'm not welcome.

Kevin: At church?

Marley: You're always welcome at church. I'm not welcome with my son. Years back, before you and your family moved on the block...I had an argument with my son.

Kevin: How old is he?

Marley: He's grown up. We lost our tempers, and I said I didn't care to see him anymore. He said the same, and we haven't spoken to each other since.

Kevin: If you miss him, why don't you call him?

Marley: I'm afraid if I call, he won't talk to me.

Kevin: How do you know?

Marley: I don't know. I'm just afraid he won't.

Kevin: No offense, but aren't you a little old to be afraid?

You slightly pinched Kevin for his wording.
Marley: You can be old for a lot of things. You're never too old to be afraid.

Kevin: That's true. We were afraid of our basement. It's dark. There's weird stuff down there, and it smells funny. That sort of thing. It's bothered me for years.

Marley: Basements are like that.

Kevin: I made myself go down to do some laundry...and I found out it's not so bad. I worried about it, but if you turn on the lights, it's no big deal.

Marley: What's your point?

Kevin: My point is, you should call your son.

Marley: What if he won't talk to me?

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