The Waiting Hour

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A chihuahua sitting on a bed, on his phone while waiting for his feline roommate to come home, there is a slight uncomfortable feeling in the air,it feels like something bad is going to happen to the both of them,he quickly check his surroundings and open up his messages to texts his friend (who is currently outside)

Ren texted him (stimpy) in a slightly concerned tone.

"Oh ren,I didn't know you have been texting so late at night, you are usually asleep at this time of night, is there something wrong?"
Stimpy response in a surprised tone.

"Are you coming home yet?, it's 10 O' clock right now and you are still outside, what are you up to?"
Ren asked more questions as his tone slowly grew more scared.

"Of course ren,i was just doing a favor for the neighbors next door,why do you asked these questions?"
Stimpy answered in a confused tone,he (stimpy) doesn't know what's going on the ren little skull.

"15 minutes later"

Ren p.o.v:

Ren seems to be frightened of the fact that his feline friend haven't came home since 5 O' clock,he began to think to himself.

"Where is that eediot at?,he hasn't came home since 5pm,is he cheating on me?, is he with some other dogs or is he lying to me?"

His face was filled with fright, was his gut feeling right all along, was he just overthinking or is he having his delusions get the best of him and slowly eat away at him,He started to sweat as his whole body shake like a earthquake, he thought he knew that this wasn't going to end well for him or for stimpy, Stimpy was really testing Ren's patience and stability, he picked up the phone to text stimpy again.

Stimpy p.o.v:

Stimpy walk out of the neighbor's house to go to the store after he helped them with the new furniture that they (the neighbors) bought, he went to the store to get some flowers for his canine roommate that he lives with,then his (stimpy's) phone exploded with messages of ren, stimpy opens his phone to see multiple messages from ren

"Steempy you eediot.
"It has been 15 minutes now."
"Where are you exactly."
"Come on, ANSWER ME"
Ren demanded to know where the actual hell his feline roommate in a angry yet frightened tone.

The manx cat was surprised yet confused of the texts he received from his canine friend, he texted back quickly so that ren couldn't get any angrier with him (stimpy).

"Ren, im just picking up some flowers from the store, which one would you like?"
Stimpy replied in a surprised yet calm tone but as he (stimpy) was about to see what ren answered with, he heard the cashier.

"Aye cat, what are you standing around for"
An annoyed looking goat with a clerk outfit was waiting for the manx cat to buy something so he (the goat) can get paid for a weekly check.

"Oh yeah, excuse me?, where are the flowers?"
Stimpy asked in a kindhearted and calm voice, he( stimpy) just wanna know where the flowers are.

"Oh, there's with the shampoos and conditioners are at, also be quick, i don't have much time and this store is gonna close in 1 hour"
The cashier responding with a raspy and harsh voice, almost like he (the cashier) haven't slept in a week.

Stimpy went to the where the shampoos and conditioners are and found a beautiful and elegant set of flowers, he picked the one with the red roses and tulips, he went to the counter to pay for the flowers.

"That will be $2.38 for those flowers"
The cashier requested like he didn't have any time left.

Stimpy pays for the flowers and goes back home to his friend (Ren).

"Thank you sir, have a nice day"
Stimpy shouts as he goes out to get home.

Ren p.o.v:

Its now 10:50 pm, ren is still thinking that his roommate is cheating on him, its ben 35 minutes since he last texted him, he (ren) hears knocking at the door then all the sudden he jumped up and ran to get changed,he wasn't going to waste any time to know what going on, maybe its a neighbors, maybe its a police officer telling that his friend was missing, he got the keys and unlocked the door to his feline roommate standing at the doors

"Sorry ren, i was just helping out the neighbor with their new and wonderful furniture that they recently bought, are you ok?"
Stimpy questioned in a calm and soft voice as he (stimpy) holds the flowers his right hand.

Ren was shocked to see this,he began to blush as he gently grab the flowers.

"Is this, for me?"
Ren asked while blushing softly.

"Of course, why wouldn't i do that for my own roommate"
Stimpy answered.

Ren hugged his friend tightly, he (ren) felt a sense of relief over him as he (ren) finally got an answer to all his questions about stimpy.

"I love you steempy"
Ren muttered in a sweet voice.

"I love you too, my dear friend"
Stimpy replied while hugging his friend back.



Hey guys, another short story I made, this is inspired by berrystrawnana (a tiktoker, go check her out :3).

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