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I HAD STARTED TO WALK MORE ON THE WALTERS LAND. The more I walked, the more I got lost. I had my camera with me, taking pictures of everything I found pretty. Taking pictures of things from these past six months have helped me cope a lot.

I don't know how to explain it, but it just helps. As I kept walking I decided that I was finally lost. So, I decided to call Cole.

"Kate? Where'd you go? Why didn't you run off like that? I've been texting you all afternoon!" Cole raised his voice into the phone as his voice was laced with concern.

I chuckled, "I'm....lost." I rubbed the back of my neck from the awkwardness that just played before me.

Cole snickered, "you lost? On our ranch? Really?" Cole didn't quite believe me yet so I had to tell him.

I sighed, "Look, Cole. Please just come get me. The land has changed from this past year I've been gone." I frowned into the phone.

"Alright, alright. Where are you? Is there anything that sticks out?"

"Uhm," I said as I started to look around me. "There's this field of beautiful purple and yellow flowers around me right now." I told Cole.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. Stay put, Kate. I mean it." He hung up the phone.

Once Cole got here to pick me up he's been pestering and scolding me about running out of the house like that without telling anybody. He told me that every one was super worried and that i didn't tell them I ran off. They know it's like me though.

"Just...tell one of us where your gonna go. Alright?" Cole asked me.

"Yeah, whatever." I stayed quiet the rest of the ride back and I felt Cole's stare on me numerous of times. He was probably just worried about me. That's all.

"So, after you ran off, Albert had gotten Jackie all wet by flinging his fur every where." Cole let out a dry laugh as he tried to clear the tension between.

I smiled, "Sounds just like Albert." I say as we arrive back to the ranch.

I quickly ran back up to my room ignoring the calls from the people downstairs. I needed to avoid Alex as best as I could. Even if that meant staying in my room all day every day.

When I got to my room I saw Jackie unboxing some of her things. She quickly turned around and smiled at me, "Hey. Where have you been?" Jackie asks as he sets a picture of her, me, mom, dad and Lucy down by the night stand.

I loved Katherine's art studio, which is now our room. It's very pretty in here.

"I went on a walk. Then I got lost. Shocker. Everything's changed since I've last been here. I'm not used to change, Jackie." I sighed as I plumped down on the bed, taking my shoes off.

Jackie gave me a sad smile, "I know. I don't either. I hate seeing you like this. I hate that you always run off every chance you get. At least you always have your phone on you, though."

I smiled, "Don't worry about me. I'll be okay. Promise." I held out my pinky finger for her and I do to. It's always been a secret pact we've done since we were kids.

I sighed and got up from my bed and started to put away some of my clothes. Maybe ten minutes later Katherine knocks the door letting us know it's her.

"Will told about what happened at the pool, Jackie. I am so sorry about Albert. He just gets really excited sometimes." She chuckled. "So how are you guys settling in? Can I get you anything? I'm sorry that there not more room up here yet. I-" Katherine started to look around the room as I cut her off.

"Katherine. It's fine. We love it." I gave her a smile as she smiled back.

"I'm sorry I'm taking your space." Jackie told her truthful. I sighed. I hated when people gave us pity looks. What can I do about that though?

"Oh, please. I do not have time to paint anymore with all the kids running around. I want you two to have it." She gave Jackie an encouraging smile.

"How'd it go with the surgery?" I asked her. I didn't hear much about it.

"Oh, uhm, it went well." Katherine said as she was moving some things. "Uh, turns out Bo had a really bad ear infection. He's gonna be fine. But it was bothering him, and it was bothering his owner." She gave us a funny look and made us laugh a little.

Jackie and I didn't come down for dinner. She didn't feel up for it so I decided to stay with her through it. I didn't want her to be alone. But, eventually I did to go and get ready for bed since we have school the next day.

I walked downstairs to go and get breakfast as I got dressed and already had my things packed for today.

Lee started to skate in the house again and I could tell it annoyed Katherine, "Lee, I hear that skateboard. That's gonna stay home. If you ride it in school again, you'll get a suspension." She lectured Lee.

She started to lecture Alex on his history paper until Jordan came up and said that he lost his pet snake, rumple. Oh, boy. If I find that thing in this house I am going to scream. I'm not very fond of snakes.

"Okay. Everybody I would keep an eye out for rumple. Especially me." I laughed aloud as Cole gave me a look. I was still sorta mad at him from yesterday. I hated when he lectured me.

We all got into the car and set our bags in the trunk. As I sat in my original seat I heard Cole say to Jackie 'come on, New York. Get in'.

When we got to school we all piled out of the car. It took Jackie and I a second longer to. Nathan and Danny had told us that they would show us to our classes today since they didn't want us to get lost. I had most of my classes with Jackie.

As Jackie and I stood on the pavement of the sidewalk Cole had butted in, "So, what do you think?" Cole asked.


"Not like them fancy manhattan schools, huh?" Cole snickered.

I scoffed, "Just shut up, Cole. We don't need to hear you today." I told him as I gave him a dirty look. I couldn't tell if he looked hurt or not because Erin had called his name and his face immediately changed as she kissed him.

As Erin and Cole were walking off, Cole looked behind him and gave me his best award winning smile, "Good luck today, sweet cheeks."

"Gee. thanks, Colorado." I muttered under my breath.

I guess we'll see how our first day goes...

I guess we'll see how our first day goes

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Colorado and sweet cheeks // COLE WALTERWhere stories live. Discover now