[14] Itoshi Brother

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Isagi was hurt. His down side was still hurt after everything. Isagi try to stay calm in front of everyone but he just give pain to himself.

The other was sleeping. Isagi and Rin eat at night in the kitchen by themselves since they don't eat dinner with others before. The maid or the chef is not there as Rin was the one that prepare the food for Isagi.

Isa POV; I never know he can cook. His food is delicious though.

Isagi is eating his food. Rin is watching him in front of Isagi make Isagi feel uncomfortable. Isagi just continue eating and try to avoid the eye contact with Rin.

After done eating, Isagi and Rin talk for a while.

Isa: So, how about Sae?

Rin: What?

Isa: Umm, about your brother, Sae. How about him? Is he doing good?

Rin was staring at Isagi for a while. He then look down.

Rin: I think he did.

Even if Rin say it like that, Isagi for some reason feels like Rin is mad. He also saw Rin smirking.

Isa: I.. I see.

Rin: Let's go to the bed.

Isa: O.. Okay.

Inside of Rin room, Rin was already sleeping but Isagi couldn't because his body was still hurt. He wake up and go to the kitchen (again). Isagi take a glass and pour some water and drink it. Suddenly, Isagi felt something touch his shoulder that make Isagi lost his grip on the glass as he quickly turn his face to the back and quickly punch the person he saw at his back. The person dodged Isagi attack. The person pin Isagi on the table with a broken glass to Isagi neck.

Isa POV; Damnit!

???: Would you calm down now?

Wait. That voice! Isagi knew that voice! He remember hearing those voice when he was still a kid. He start to look at the person clearly. There's no doubt! This person was.....

Sae Itoshi!

Isa: S.. Sae..?

Sae: Calm down finally, huh? What the hell you thinking attacking people like that?

Isa: Huh?! You shock me in this darkness! It's not my fault you suddenly touched my shoulder without even making any sounds!

Saw: Is what I'm doing that bad?

Isa: Of cour-

Isagi for some reason feels a little sympathy for being mad at Sae.

Isa: No. A little but it's okay. I'm sorry for shouting and attacking you earlier.

Sae: Sorry if I had make you scared for sudden.

Isa: Umm.. Eh? Wait! What do you meant by that?! You saying that I'm scared?!

Sae: Well, you're sweating much.

Isagi finally notice that his clothes is a bit wet as he also noticed that he is sweating badly.

Isa: Thi- This is just-

Before Isagi continue his word, Sae wipe Isagi sweating face with a towel he grab from the table. A clean one though.

Isa: Eh? Uh.. Thanks?

Sae: Hum.

Sae pick Isagi up.

Isa: Hey, I can just walk myself.

Sae: No. Your legs are hurt. How can you walk? Did you not notice your legs step on those broken glass earlier?

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