Its been three weeks since twilight and flash were dating and no one knew. Tonight she have a date with flash again. it was 9 am and ponyville was peaceful and quite.
Rarity was heading to twilights house to ask her if she would like a dress.
Rarity knocked on the door.
"Twilight, twilight are you there?" Rarity asked.
Twilight opened the door, red eyes and messy hair "oh my! Twilight, what happened to you?" Rarity shouted, shocked.
"Oh nothing! I was up late yesterday studying hard and i just woke up" twilight lied "so sorry to wake you but i came here to ask you if you will like a dress darling?" Rarity said, embarrassed that she waked up her friend."Oh! I actually need a one! I will have a sparkly purple one!" Twilight responded, happily. "Okay, bye" she said as she walked away
Twilight and flash
AdventureEverything was peaceful and nice but the mane six find out that twilight is acting strange but why?