[14]Take your Time

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Shubman's POV:
All that I thought after India winning the World Cup the crackers, the cold drinks, the party poppers. All that I planned for the bet - Aniska. Everything is goneee.


Someone's POV:
The night's lit moonlight was shining all over the city.

It was night's almost 2am and Shubman wasn't able to sleep just turning through and through on his bed his thoughts were slowly going out of his control.

Things did not seem working to him.

Shubman's POV:
Nothing's alright why does everything seems so messed why is my heart sinking so down somewhere from where I ain't able to pick it up again.

There is something other than India's loss disturbing you something you are not familiar to.

Suddenly a thought embraced me 'I should probably go according to plan let's just not think much and go grab a chance to make Aniska speak what I want from this whole one and half month.' I woke up and with no second thought rung up to Vicky.

"Do you know my house", I asked him. "Why what work do you have at this hour with me,jerk", he said in sleepy voice.

"Just reply to my question", I asked him deepening my voice. "Yes straight from that XYZ street right", he said when I agreed to him and said, "just reach as soon as possible with whomever you want to bring as witness".

"Why", he asked from the other side confused. "Let's just end this bet here I will make Aniska say what you wanted, just bring witnesses for your concern", I said.

"Okay I'll be there wait up down in the street", he said from the other side. "Hmm", I replied hanging up the phone.

I went down the street waiting for Vicky and his few other friends. In a few time they reached. "Are you going to call her here or we have to go to her house", one of Vicky's friends asked.

"We'll go there, I know you guys must not be knowing her house so just better follow me", I said in a straight face.

"You don't look in a good mood", Vicky asked. "Why do you care", I said to him coldly.

He just clinched his fists and let it go. "We are here, just find some place to hide", I commanded them.

They quickly found there place and I rang a call to Aniska.

"Yes, who's this", Aniska asked from the other side. I could clearly understand by her tone that she wasn't sleeping so I just called her down.

"What happened to you at this hour", she said as soon as she came out of her house, I felt something odd in my feelings looking at her she was just in casual her jacket going down her shoulder from one side she was in track, dressed real casual yet my heart was responding in somewhat different way.

"Let's just have a round around, I wasn't able to sleep and I knew you also must not be sleeping so I just came here.", I said

She replied me with a weak smile.
"You're comfortable right", I asked her noticing her weak smile.

"Umm yeahh.", she replied. While having a round she was just quiet and was shivering slightly. "You can talk you aren't restricted", I said.

"Hmm what should I talk about, India didn't deserve this", she said when her voice kept weakening.

'Why is her weakening voice hurting me, whyyyy' thinking this I kept the convo going talking about the memorable season of 2023.

"Let's head back home it's getting cold", I said as her shivering was growing. "Umm hmm", she replied.

This is where I have planned everything and gathering courage.

When we were just infront of Aniska's house and my words were on my tounge and I just let out her name out of my mouth. She slowly turned around and,

slowly pressed her lips against mine. I felt my heart skipping a beat my whole body felt like inside it a basket full of butterflies were left inside.

I could just feel the how elegant she was with that. I felt my body's whole stress, my brain's restlessness dieing down.

I didn't know why I was feeling this but definitely this was something unknown.

I felt like I wasn't in my control I soon found myself kissing her back. It felt like heaven to me and after a few minutes I saw her slowly pulling herself back from the kiss and saying
"I won't exaggerate what I want to say, all I want to say is I love you, you can take your time I am here waiting for an eternity for you."

She just completed and I was processing and my heart wasn't ablely replying when,

Author's note:
Some more wait and patience I guess.
Bye bye. Peace out!!

Love Is Friendship: A Shubman Gill Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now