Naira - My Ghost Girl

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Finally i am here on vacation with no one and no one only me in Udaipur thought Kartik in his mind while stopping his car at a palace.

Kartik came out of his car and went near the palace.

As there is a winter break in college so I am here this palace in Udaipur. I have read so many things about this palace on Google it's haunted and all but i don't believe all this Kartik said excitedly.

You are wrong you should believe in all this even i do believe in all the stories about this place says a melodious voice.

Kartik turns at the voice and looks at a girl in traditional dress.

Let me introduce my self i am your assistant your father was worried for you he did not wanted you to stay here alone so he has hired me for taking care of you and I know you very well you are Kartik says the girl.

But come on I am a 23 year old young boy not a kid i needed privacy but how dad has sent you Kartik said in a sad tone.

Dont argue with me i am there to take care of you and privacy will be given to you i will not disturb you much don't worry she says.

By the way your name Kartik asks.

Naira  she tells.

Ok let's go in the palace it's night i am tired i need to sleep Kartik said.

Naira comes near him.

She takes his bag in her hand and they both go in .

By the way I am here for Kartik was saying but Naira interrupts.

2 days i know Naira says.

Ya dad might have told you let me just call and inform him that i am here says Kartik

Kartik calls Manish from his phone.

Network must not be there na it here you will not be able to contact any one so don't try says Naira.

She opens the palace door.

A black blood mouthed cat immediately comes out of the door .

Kartik gets scared and holds Naira's hand.

This palace is so beautiful from outside but inside it's so dusty says Kartik.

That's because it was closed from many days and don't be scared of that cat windows are there in palace cat might have entered in from terrace or windows says Naira.

Ok but that cat's mouth had blood it was so scary says Kartik.

There are many pegions in this area the cat might have caught a pegion nothing to think much Kartik says Naira.

How will I enjoy here without phone no network zone this is i would have not come here if I knew it says Kartik.

Its okay Kartik you will still enjoy this place for 2 days with me i promise says Naira.

Ok but just now I am feeling sleepy please take me to my room here says Kartik.

Give me some time i will clean a room for us Naira says while going away.

Kartik holds her hand .

You are very beautiful and your voice is melodious says Kartik.

Naira smiles and goes away.

After some time Kartik also comes in the room.

Naira was not there in room but the room was well cleaned up

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