~Chapter 5~

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STANDING IN the hot, scoldering shower did nothing to ease her unwavering nerves. Who wouldn't be nervous?
The idea of every werewolf students' eyes on her set her stomach alight.
She may be a werewolf and have her typical healing attributes, however she could still develop a ulcer if her stress levels don't ease up.
She groaned, tension spasming in her shoulders.
Why did her parents send her to Wolf Acadamy again?
Oh, yes!
The lack of self-control needing a little tinkering.
She winced slightly at the word 'self-control'; the word she lacked to even practice.
She barely had any sort of self-control in the presence of Tyson when he was in nothing but sweatpants. She couldn't even control her naughty, ongoing thoughts of him.
One moment she hated him, the next moment she wanted to jump him.
How does that even work?
Although, his cold behavior towards her clearly made her mind up for her. She hated him!
That's final.
Avery - her long lost puppy - just sighed at Nyx's indecisiveness on the matter.
Don't call me a puppy ever again!
Avery snarled.
Nyx just smirked, shaking her wet head.
Oh, Avery.
Finally finishing with her overly hot shower, she quickly got dressed into her basketball shorts and her black hoodie. She shrugged on some sneakers and tied her messy, wet hair.
As she said before, she was no fan of make-up and only applied her berry scented lipgloss.
Smiling, she left.
Riley stood near the small kitchen's counter. The kitchen housed a fridge for quick snacks, cupboards - for the plates, dishes, glasses - and a small sink.
It was cute but lacked livelihood.
Riley smiled upon Nyx's brief arrival.
She wore similar to that of Nyx, however Nyx's hoodie was replaced by just a simple tank top, showing off Riley's beautifully toned arms and slim waist.
Nyx would lie if she said that she wasn't jealous of Riley's beauty.
"Ready to go?" She asked, a small smile on her fair face.
"Sure." Nyx shrugged.
What does she got to lose?


All eyes turned to look at her.
Well, not the cook.
As if hearing her thoughts, the cook turned turned to look at her as well. Now she could safely say that all eyes turned to look at her.
Her eyes widened slightly at the attention, sweat dripped like a never-ending waterfall.
Ok, maybe that was a little exaggerated but she was nervous, so sweating waterfalls was her supposed reaction.
Riley noticed her stage fright and pushed her gently into the cafeteria with the room full of wandering eyes.
She heard some snickering and whispers, not catching half of what they spoke.
She drew out the 'y' as she screamed mentally.
They found a table which was occupied by another girl. Nyx breathed out in relief when the werewolf students all turned back to what they were doing. Some still stared and whispered but that was alright, Nyx could handle that. As they got closer to the table that was occupied, Nyx noticed only one thing.
The girl was blind.
With werewolves heightened ability to heal rapidly, it prohibited them from getting ill or getting scars and what not.
The only thing that could potentially be harmful, is if they were exposed to wolfbane and nightshade. The two combined created a lethal chemical, that if in contact with any werewolf it came upon, it could kill them painfully - instantly.
Hunters used them a lot, killing any supernatural they thought were a threat to the human species.
Nyx wondered what had happened to the girl, if the hunters were the reason she couldn't see at all.
A rush of fury ran through her blood, warming her body.
How dare they hurt one of her kind!
The saw the girl flinch as she roughly set her books down.
Nyx felt guilty for scaring the girl, worried that she contributed to any PTSD due to the mistreatment of the hunters.
Riley sat down too, secretly glancing towards Nyx from time to time.
"What's wrong?" She whispered to Nyx.
She just shook her head, tilting her head towards the other occupant.
Riley knew who she was talking about and quickly realized that she had never introduced them.
"Oh, I almost forgot," she face palmed herself, dramatically too, "Nyx, this is my childhood best friend, Brayden. Brayden, Nyx." She gestured among them.
Brayden just nodded, her face stoic this time.
Something flashed in Nyx's peripheral gaze as she spoke to Riley. She peered towards Brayden, noticing the golden eyes of her wolf.
"Uh- " Nyx trailed off.
Riley giggled.
"Sorry. Brayden does that a lot. Due to her blindness, she can use her wolf eyes to see briefly. It doesn't last very long because it can harm her wolf as well." The explanation made complete sense. It took quite some practice to master that.
But in the history of werewolves - or supernatural world, for that matter - no one was ever blind. It was just impossible.
Unless they were born blind, but that only happened a few times - one in a million.
Nyx noticed that Brayden was visibly tense, uncomfortable with the attention she gave her. Maybe Brayden didn't like being looked at, or pitied.
The thought reminded Nyx of someone, reminding her of herself.
Brayden cleared her throat, her voice soft, melodic as she spoke.
"Excuse me," she stood up, her chair abrading the floor as she moved.
Nyx frowned, looking at Riley for any explanation.
Riley just shrugged, like it was a habit for Brayden to leave so abruptly.
"She does that often," Nyx felt as if Riley wasn't telling her the whole truth, but she wasn't going to push either.
"Hey, you going to eat?" Riley quizzed.
Nyx wasn't that hungry, her appetite had vanished the moment she set foot into the cafeteria filled with hunger-crazed wolves.
"No, thanks. But do help yourself."
Riley got up and headed for the breakfast buffet.
The scent of cinnamon and forest glided to her in waves. She groaned inwardly, not in the mood for another run-in with the brooding male.
However, she quickly peered out to see where he was and noticed that he was with one of her dorm mates.
The thought of them together sent Nyx's neck hairs on edge. She didn't like that he was with her, nor did she like him.
Urgh, what is wrong with me?
Riley came back with her tray full of yummy delicacies.
Some fruit salad sat at the corner of her tray, some bacon, eggs, pancakes, and juice on the other. Nyx's stomach growled lightly but she was too nervous to eat.
It did, however, look delicious but she never forced herself to eat, especially when she was nervous.
After Riley finished her meal, and the small talk they had between them, the bell rang.
The sound was louder, sharper and more violent in a way. It assaulted her hearing, grating on her ears last nerves.
"Are they going to get any louder?" She held her ears slightly.
Riley shook her head, frowning. "What are you talking about?"
Ok. Nyx was inordinately confused.
How had Riley not heard the bell getting louder?
"The bell?"
Riley's eyes widened. "Oh, right. No. The bell doesn't get louder. It's loud and harsh against my ears, but it doesn't get loud."
"Well, it did for me."
Riley just gave her a strange look.
"Well, let's get going then. First class is werewolf one-oh-one."
Riley said as she skipped in her step.
Not what Nyx was expecting.

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