Chapter 8

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" Marina, why didn't you message me..? " Manik asked...

" I am sorry sir I become busy after I come back from Nandini's home.." Marina apologized and lied convinently... As Ambika Maholtra denied her to say anything about Nandini until he reaches home.. She followed her order.. Ambika wants to check how will Manik react to it...

" I am forgiving you for this time.. Another time doesn't repeat such mistakes.." Manik warned her.. " Have you given her the things.. I have asked you.." Manik asked..

" Yes sir I would keep it in my mind..  I have given it to Ms Murthy... She is absolutely fine sir... Mrs Maholtra is taking care of her.. She is eating well to.. " Marina says what Manik wanted to hear...

Marina called Ambika after Manik left for his room..

" I have done exactly same thing what you have asked me do to... Mr Maholtra asked me after he comes back home about Ms Murthy.. He was angry at first for not telling him sooner.. that's it.." Marina informed Ambika..

Manik comes out after freshening up.. He holds black coffee in his hand.. and sits in the swing placed in the balcony..

Manik hesistates to dial Nandini's number.. After a lot of thought process.. He finally dials her number.. He would have gone to meet her.. if his dadi was not there.. He won't be able to face his dadi questions..

" Yes Mr Maholtra.." Nandini said from other side.. after picking up the call...

" Company has granted you two days leave I hope you get the message.." Manik said..

" Yes, I have gotten it Mr. Maholtra.. i didn't know you will personally call your employee just to make sure they got the messages.." Nandini replies him while rolling her eyes.. from other side.. She was feeling... " Is he serious..? " She is sick.. he should ask how is she.. But no he has give the cold shoulder only..

" If you are not feeling well.. then company will give you more holidays.." Manik informed her.. and ignored her remarks..

" I didn't know about that thanks for informing me.. Mr Maholtra.. Anyways I am absolutely fine..." Nandini doesn't why she is feeling annoyed.. He just call her to say the things which she already know..

" You have got a tongue now.. Learn how to talk to boss... Next time I won't tolerate it.." Manik warned her.. he doesn't like anyone talking in direspecting tone..

" There won't be next time, sir.." Nandini replied..

" Good.." Manik cuts the call..

" There won't be next time.. " Nandini mimicked him while making poker faces and looking up....

Next Day..

" Ms Uttara, Ms Ridhima, Ms Lara.... I hope I don't need to remind you why are you here.. and what are you for here.. if you are interested so much in gossip then join some gossip show.. This is the last warning.. I believe you are sensible people.. to understand enough what I am refering to.. Behave properly.. there will not be another time.." Manik words almost made them pee in their pants.. His tone is scary.. He is rolling the ball.. which is in the desk...

" You got it.." Manik yelled flinching them..

" Ye..s.... Si..r..." They replied while stammering..

" I didn't find your voice loud like yesterday.. I couldn't hear it properly.." Manik shouted glaring them..

" Ye...s.... Sir.." They shouted loudly..

" Why are looking at my face..? Is there something important so that you can gossip.. again.." Manik asked them..

They nodded their head in No..

" Then Leave.. If it will repeat again.. then be ready to face the consequences.." Manik warned them.. They left in hurry from his room.. when Manik signals them to leave with his hands..

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