My opinion on the other JSHK characters

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//Please note that is what I THINK of Sakuras opinion and if you don't like it...Don't start beef-//


Hanako-kun/Number 7/ Amane: "I neither like you or detest you.I have respect for you enough...I find it rather annoying when you change the rumours I spread. A solid 5/10"

Yashiro Nene/ Daikon:"I like you..I wish we could be friends if it was not for our fates. A 8/10."

Kou Minamotto/Lame Ass Traffic Earing:" A big heart..yet..that blinds you from reality, I don't know you personally. But you do change the rumours I make..A 5/10"

Mitsuba Souske:"Nice enough..I pity you having to deal with Natsushiko and Tsukasa. A 7/10."

Teru Minamotto: "...I don't really like you..Making it harder to meddle with the rumours..A 2/10."

Tsukasa Yugi: "...You are quite gruesome and I sympathy your victims...But then again.You are innocent at times...Suprisingly reliable and dependable.Thank you.. A 6/10."

Natsushiko: "I detest it when you flirt..But I suppose you aren't that bad. You don't question and you are a great use of help..A 8/10.

Yako/ Number 2:"A victim..I can't say I have remorse but I do pity you..3/10 as you are agressive."

Aoi Akane (female):"Kind and nice..I like you enough..Your rejections are quite amusing..9/10."

Akane Aoi/ Number 1:"A hard target. Overprotective and making it extremely hard to infiltrate the Clock Keepers boundary..3/19.."


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