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Hey guys its me, the Author. I know that many of you might be wondering why i discountinued the story and how did i suddenly come back. well its because I had gone through a lot of things in past 2 years and I was mentally unstable. I had been going for therapee. 

I was advised to do nothing but focus on myself and I have been doing that in the past 2 years. 

Soon I will be starting a new story since i feel like I should have a fresh start. but i will try to countinue the first story that i had started "The Mafia's Princess. I will make sure to complete this story and simontaneusly focus on my upcoming story. 

From now on i will be posting regularly once or maybe twice every week. Pls make sure to comment your thoughts below. and pls show some love to my new story.

BTW my new story isn't a fanfiction but i hope you guys would love it

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