Prologue: The Scarred Ronin Part 2

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Mizu Recap

For As Long as she could remember, Mizu has dealt with hardship.

Born to white man and a Japanese mother, Mizu was considered sub-human, monstrous even, better off not being born.

Mizus childhood was a fight for survival, bullying, poverty and avoiding detection by anyone who would mean to killer.

Her relationship with her mother Miwa was...complicated, Mizu loved her and they had their moments together but Miwa got addicted to opium and her treatment of Mizu got harsher.

When mizu thought her mother died, in a fire that burned down her house, Mizu swore vengeance against the four white men, who came to japan as traders, one of them being the reason mizu exists.

She spent many years with sword father, a blacksmith she met a blue rock fell from the sky and she helped him carry it back to his home.

He was her mentor and the closest thing she had to a father, he gave her a home, she picked up the art of combat in hiding, taking note of the skills every warrior who came to sword father for a weapon, and creating her own fighting style with everything she learned.

It also with him that she forged her blue blade from the metal the rock that fell from the sky one day.

Then Time Passed she had her weapon and she had the training, assuming the identity of a man, her hunt began, however she made an error in believing she could hunt the white man and have her eyes out in the open, she asked the wrong crowd and got stabbed for her troubles.

She was bleeding out, people walked by her, preferring to pretend she didn't exist then assist her helpless....weak...she hated the feeling.

She was on the brink of death, and just when she thought she thought she was gonna bleed out and leave this world, there she was , her mother alive and well, still working as a prostitute.

Her mother left her alone all these years believing she would be better off without her, and now the gods had brought them back together, The once raging inferno that fueled her need for vengeance had begun to settle, and mizu stopped dressing like a man, her sword remained, she couldn't give that up, it was like an extension of her.

Her mother was alive but now old problems reared their ugly heads.

Mother was still an Opium addict and a prostitute, her mother failed to listen to her , she understood that she wanted to earn her own money but what daughter wanted their mother to live like this?

Things got hard, Mizu ran out of money of her own, it should have lasted longer but her mother started wasting it to sate her need for opium, Mizu urged her mothet to quit but she brushed off her concerns, telling her that all her problems were solved

" i just secured a marriage between you and local warrior, and lucky for you, i don't think those eyes of yours will be an issue." Miwa told Mizu excitedly.

Mizu remembered being angry at that, all their struggle and now her mother wanted to marry her off? To live her life and some strangers wife, to no longer have control of her own life ....the news made her sick.

Miwa was by no means happy, believing her to be foolish for denying something that could take care of them both.

Mizu tried to remain firm but her mother guilt tripped her and opted to remain a prostitute to support them, she eventually gave in.

Pov. Mizu

Now she here she was, in a kimono, seated inside a carriage with her mother, going up the mountains

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