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When you started college you hated every secound of it, the only reasom you were there was because your parents forced you to go, but after awhile you started to find peace in the place.

At least you didn't constantly have your parents nagging you about everything you did now. You weren't the type to party and drink every Friday, though sometimes you would go out, only for specail occasions though.

You're majoring in psychology, so as a 'in field experience' the school offered to take a few people majoring in the subject to a mental asylum, you would even get extra credit on the final exam.

Most people we're to busy with studying to even think about going, but you had needed that extra credit after failing an assignment in the start of the year.

So here you were nervously fidgeting with your fingers as you get given the options of patients to question.

"U-Uhm this one..." You say quickly as you grab the file sheet of a man with indigo colored eyes.

"Are you sure miss?" The lady behind the desk questions looking back amd forth between you and the sheet.

"Y-Yes." All the others had given you a massive eerie vibe but this guy seemed at lesst a little sane. The lady nods and waves over a guard.

"Take her to patient 009." She says handing the sheet hurriedly over to the guard. He winces as he looks over at you.

"Follow me ma'am." He takes you through a locked corridor again and again until finally you reach a lone standing door with the patient number printed onto it.

"I'll escort him to the investigation room." The guard says pointing over to the only other door in the corridor.

"Thank you." You bow your head and quickly move over the the door openimg it. Theres two rooms one of them has recording machinery and one of those one way windows like in the criminal TV shows. The other side a room with white padding a table with a slot to attach handcuffs too and two chairs.

You sit down in one of the chairs and open your phone- no signal. Of course theres no signal. You sigh and lean back in your chair as you stuff your phone back into your pocket.

Then the door cracks open the guard entering first immediately followed by the man from the file. He makes the guy sit across from you before looking up.

"I'll be right on the other side of the wall watching." He says calmly before exiting the room.

"Im Y/N-" you start but his eyes lock on yours shutting you up quickly.

"Scara. Call me Scara." He says his eyes cold not giving away the emotions flooding through his system.

"Scara-" his eyes narrowed and his face contoured into pleasure as he heard you utter his name. You furrow your brows in disgust as he leans his head back his hair falling back uncovering his face more.

"God my name in your mouth- sounds so so good." He groans and you feel your stomach lurch in disgust.

"Sir... Can you tell me why you believe your in here...?" You ask as he gets annoyed by the lack of his name.

"This girls parents called the cops on me for stalking her, i dont think she even knows, but anyway when the cops came to my house-" his eyes widen like a maniac as he smiles crazily. "They found all the photos and shrines i made to her! And all the bodies of the men that have ever had the audacity to be near whats mine!" He lurches forward as he smiles at you his eyes flicking around the room.

"But guess what! I found out where my woman lives and what her life is like now! Im going to get out of here and finally claim her! Take away her innocence make her love me!" He leans back in the chair as he fantasizes about all the things he'll do.

You feel your guts twist in disgust.

"She'll be mine! We'll get married and have kids! And any man that comes near her will die!" He says excitedly as he grins.

"I-I think I'll be leaving now-" The snapping of Scaras shackles hits you like a bunch of bricks. You quickly try getting up but he lunges pinning you down to the ground.

"Wanna know who my woman is?" He snarls against your ear harshly. You shake your head but he tells you anyway. "You." He says as he starts to kiss your neck, making you squirm.

"Security-!" You start but he shuts you up with a kiss.

"I set up sleeping gas in the other room~ security will take at least 3 minutes to get here~" He kisses your nose. "But dont worry my love~ i wont hurt you~ I could never hurt my darling~" He grabs your chin and starts kissing you fiercely his tongue penetrating your mouth, like a man whos been starving for this for years. Hips roll something hard pressing against you. The door slams open and 6 guards rush in clearly winded from the run here. They yank Scara but he stays on top of you as long as possible not wanting the kiss to ever end. He clings desperately until one of the guards tazes him loosening his grip enough to be yanked off.

"Let go of me you assholes!" He screams desperately reaching for you. "I'll find you Y/N and I'll mak e you mine! Mine forever my love!" He screams as 3 of the guards drag him out the other two staying to consult you.

My darling <3 (Scaramouche x reader) Where stories live. Discover now