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"Woah, easy boy. That's it." The red haired girl says, walking her horse, Caramel, out of his stall.

"Jo!" Nathan, the girls best friend, calls. He's the only person allowed to call her Jo.

"Nate! Out for another early morning run?" She's the only person allowed to call him Nate.

"You know it. Hey caramel." Nathan reaches the stall and pets caramel. He doesn't take well to other people but he loves Nate. "Hey, do you remember me telling you about Jackie?"

"The girl who's moving in with you? Yeah." She answers.

"She's moving in next month, and I'm not sure my brothers are going to take too kindly to her." Nate mutters.

"I'm sure Katherine will make everyone be nice." She laughs. "And if it helps I'll stop by on move in day." The shorter girl suggests

"Thank you! I think it will do her good to already have a friend here." Nate hugs his best friend tightly.

"Of course." She says into his chest. Nate has been Josie's best friend since kindergarten, she was the first person he came out to, and he was the first person she told about her mom getting remarried. Her dad passed two years ago and her mom got remarried a year after his passing, it's like she didn't even care.

"What are you even doing out here?" He asks, releasing Josie.

"I was just clearing my head. You know riding always helps when I'm over thinking." She tells him, as she brings Caramel back into his stall and refills his food.

"Right. Well I have to get going before theres no hot water left." Nate laughs turning away. "Bye Jo!" He yells over his shoulder.

"Bye!" She waves, even though he doesn't see her.

It's still really early, around 5:30. This is prime shower time in the Warner house because Ron, Josie's stepdad is still sleeping and her mom is already at work. She's a nurse and she works crazy hours. Josie runs into the house to which shes greeted by her dog Lola. "Hey girl, hungry?" She asks walking to the pantry.

The girl refills her food, then heads upstairs to take a shower. It's times like these where Josie would just like to stay home curled up on the couch, but she can't.

So she just steps in the shower and washes all of her worries away. After her shower she gets dressed and does her hair and makeup before she hears a honk from the drive way. It's Cole Walter. He drives Josie and all of his brothers to school everyday.

"Hurry up Warner!" Cole yells as Josie is running out of the front door, almost tripping.

"Calm down Walter. And Isaac move over." The younger girl mimics Cole as she get into the car. 

"Bro move your big ass bag." Issac scoffs.

"Oh my fault I actually do my school work." She rolls my eyes. Issac has this 'bad boy' personality, he wears a leather jacket to make himself look more cool. He doesn't even have a book bag.

The drive to school is full of Chaos as per usual. The guys are throwing things and yelling, so josie just puts her ear buds in and blast some Olivia Rodrigo.

"Ooo, let me listen!" Issac takes her ear bud before she can object. "Damn, Olivia Rodrigo?"

"Yeah what about it Chico?" Josie groans. One thing about her is that she speaks all kinds of languages. Primarily Korean, because Josie is half Korean, but also Spanish because her dad used to insist it would be useful and it was.

"Nothing, I like Olivia." He mutters, the girl beside him almost didn't hear him.

Josie tries ignore Isaac for the rest of the car ride, they periodically talk about the song playing until the car is parked.

"Alright, we leave promptly at 3:30!" Cole yells.

"Cole! I'm not leaving with you today. I'm going out for ice cream with Skylar and Kiley." Josie tells the older boy

"Alright." He mutters walking away towards his off and on girlfriend Erin.

"Josie, your gonna slow us down." Skylar says over his shoulder.

"Y'all need to walk slower." He says panting, running after her friends.

"its ice cream time!" Grace yells, she had asked to come along during 5th period.

"Alright, you guys get a table. My treat!" Josie tells them, as she walks over to the counter. "Hi!"

"Hello, what can i get you?" Lily, the worker asks.

"Uh, one rocky road, two strawberry's, and one vanilla. All of them on waffle cones please." She orders the ice cream.

"Aright that will be 15 dollars and 5 cents." She explains.

"Okay thanks!" She pays and takes the ice cream to her table.

"Did you see him checking her out?" Skylar asks as Josie walks up to the table.

"Who?" She asks , handing out the ice cream.

"Issac Garcia, he was totally checking you out." Grace says, motioning towards Issac who is sitting with a group of his friends.

"Grace!" Skylar warns.

See they knew that when Josie was younger she had a slight crush on Issac, but now she likes Alex. It's weird she knows but shes getting over Alex she swears!

"Dude, no he wasn't." The girl turns around to see Issac looking at her before quickly turning away. "Okay, maybe he was?" She joke asks.

"He definitely was." Skylar confirms.

Everything that happened that day was soon forgotten because it is now move in day for Jackie. Josie is helping Katherine clean the kitchen with Nathan while everyone else is of zero help.

"Thank you again sweetie, for everything." Katherine hugs Josie.

"Of course Katherine, anything to help." She smiles.

Now all Josie can do is just hope the guys are welcoming.

Kye Speaks!!

Sooo I really like this and I'm already working on chapter two! I am still working on the supernatural fanfic but I'm going to focus on my other books right now. Any way kinda short chapter but yeah!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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