Getting Back From Break

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     Authors note: this story will be told in 4 POVS. The POVS I will be using are Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny. I will also be using original ships from the book like (Ron x Hermione) and (Harry x Ginny) and maybe a little bit of (Luna x Neville), also in this fanfic unlike others, this story is set before the war and all the deaths it will change the timeline only a bit. It's Harry's 6th year and Ginny's 5th, something between Harry and Ginny will change things drastically as Harry will have another focus aside from hunting horcurxes! So basically this story is set near the end of Harry's 6th year before Harry Ron and Hermione would normally not return for the seventh year to hide and hunt horcurxes but,... What if some of it went differently. Harry Ron and Hermione know it is only a matter of months before war will strike on hogwarts, and Voldemort will attempt to kill Harry and anyone in his way. But what if one night Harry and Ginny were just reckless teenagers, stupidly driven by love and desire and soon there would be something more important to protect? (also in this, the thing between Ron and Lavender happened in year 5 not 6 like jk rowlings version is, and at this current time Hermione and Ron are officially dating and so are Harry and Ginny)

[sorry if this writing is not your personal cup of tea, maybe you just read all seven of JK Rowling's AMAZING books please do not expect this fanfic to be anywhere near the same level as her writing. She is an extraordinary author, as much as I love to write I could never! I will try my best THIS IS JUST A TAKE ON HER BOOKS AND I DO NOT CLAIM ANY CHARACTERS OR ORIGINAL STORYLINE AS MY OWN. ]

THE ENTIRE STORY WILL INCLUDE THESE TRIGGERS: Teen Pregnancy, A Little bit of smut but I won't go into real detail, Heavy topics, A lot of stress and arguments, a slight bit of gore from the war 

if that bothers you...Sorry maybe this story isn't for you 



     Ginnys pov:

      I walk into the wall and onto platforms 9 and 3 quarters after holiday break, Ron following slowly behind me. I walk onto the train and find the compartment Harry and Hermione were sitting in. A big smile spreads across my face when I see Harry. I sit down and scooch close to Harry, resting my head on his chest. "I missed you," I whisper in his ear. "Me too, darling," he mumbles back. Ron enters the compartment and immediately darts his attention to Hermione, who hasn't changed into her robes yet and is wearing a low-cut top. I find where Ron's eyes are set and shoot him a look as he notices and nervously looks up. "RONALD WEASLEY!"          "Control your urges!" Hermione says as she covers her chest, though I can tell she's holding back laughter. You look bloody great, though." Ron says as his face turns bright red, he finally sits down, kisses Hermione on the cheek, and takes her hand in his. "I might just vomit," Harry says "Oh, Harry, shut up like I haven't been all over you in front of them," I reply. Hermione speaks up. 

     "Well, I have some news! Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore appointed me to be the teacher of a study/tutor group where I can help people struggling with their O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T.S." I watch Hermione hand a paper to Ron: "Library after dinner every Tuesday and Thursday." Hermione says to Ron, "I have to...?" Ron says with a groan. "Come on, Ron, it's bad enough that you copy my homework every morning. I'm just going to teach you how to do it yourself, plus you will have other study buddies to work with!" Hermione argues, crossing her arms; the rest of the train ride is mostly quiet. Hermione and Harry are making small talk here and there, and when Hermione gets up to change into her robes, we get excited because we can see the castle in the distance.

(They arrive)

       Me, Ron, Harry, and Hermione head in through the castle doors, struggling to get past the excited first years. We make our way through the crowd and find our way to the Gryffindor table. We sit quietly while the first years get sorted. We congratulate and high-five all of the new Gryffindors. We enjoy the feast. Ron shoves loads of food in his face as usual, and I laugh at all of Hermione and Ron's humorous arguments, Harry's hand grasps around mine under the table as he joins in on the conversation. After the feast and ceremony, we finally get back to the common room.                         

       (a couple months later) sorry for the big time skip I wanted to get to some more important stuff so basically, they all just got into the common room after classes and there are only a few weeks left of school.

I sit down next to the fire. Ron and Harry enter shortly after, sharing remarks about Slytherin's new chaser for Quidditch. Harry sits down in one of the chairs, and I get up and reposition myself right next to him, placing my head right in the crook of his arm as he wraps his other arm around me. Sometimes I swear Harry engages purposely to make Ron uncomfortable. "Wheres Hermione?" I ask, "Oh, she's gathering in the library, getting people to sign the waiver for her stupid study group." Ron replies, "RON! Get your ass down there and go support her she was hoping you would do that with her she was looking for her chance to have some time with you how blind are you get down there"I argue "OK, OK," Ron says as he quickly shuffles out of the room. Harry takes his chance, leans in, and kisses me passionately. We make out for what seems like an eternity before we pull apart for air. "I love you," Harry says as he plays with my soft ginger hair. "I love you too," I say. We talk and talk; it just feels so natural. We carry on the best conversations without even having to think; we just "spark." We go back and forth, sharing our favorite memories. I love it when Harry always brings it up the first time, he visited the burrow. "The look on my face that morning," he likes to say, and then he pulls out his books as we study together for the potions quiz. We laugh about how, if Ron had not gone with Hermione tonight, we probably would have failed the quiz horribly. We go on for what seems like forever. It gets later, and I end up falling asleep nestled in Harry's arms😴.

Sorry if this chapter is short it will be longer next time this is just the introduction, for each chapter I will aim for about 1,500 - 2,000 words if that gives you an idea! 

See you in the next chapter 

Ps. (hope my writing skills and punctuation this time around is better)

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