Chapter 11: Oh no it's here..

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This chapter may be distressing and uncomfortable for some of my dear readers.
Please feel free to skip and avoid this chapter if you're easily triggered by these subjects, happy reading my sweets!!❤️❤️

Skippable summary:
Hannibal felt even more awful once the hostile car ride was over and soon discovered why. He knew it was natural and fleeting but it still made him feel dysphoric and inferior nonetheless.

Hannibal locked the front door and ran to the bathroom to cry infront of the mirror.
His abdomen ached and he felt bad for snapping at Will despite knowing he deserved to get put in place for being perverted and rude.
Once he got through crying, he lightly squeezed his breasts and they felt tender and sore.
Oh no it's here!!, Hannibal internally panicked.
He pulled down the boxers and pajama pants he borrowed from Will, and sure enough there was a fair amount of fresh blood.
He quickly took them off and washed the blood away with hand soap before it set.
He pat down his inner thighs with tissues and stuffed them in his vaginal slit and buttcrack after he couldn't find any menstrual products.
He layered up with multiple panties and black pants before running to the nearest store.
He eventually made it to the store panting and fumbling knocking a display over by accident.
"Hey kid what the hell is your problem?!" the cranky middle aged employee scolded.
"My apologies, please allow me to help pick up the mess" Hannibal cried.
"Nah kid just get the hell out of my sight!!" the employee yelled.
Hannibal scattered around the store until he found the menstrual care and pain relief aisles.
After getting his needed menstrual products and unplanned snacks, he went to self checkout not wanting further human interaction.
When he was a few houses away from his own, a young girl playing outside started screaming "You're're bleeding!!" repeatedly causing him to freeze in shock.
The girl's dad rushed outside with a confused expression and shielded her eyes instinctively.
"Oh my god! Do you need an ambulance man!?" the dad hollered.
"No thank you, I started my period and didn't have the right products. I'll be fine" Hannibal timidly called out.
"Dad! Dad! What's going on?!" the worried girl cried.
"A natural occurrence all afabs go through, I'll explain it to you please go inside sweetie" the dad said. He approached Hannibal as his daughter went inside.
"The residents of this house aren't friendly people, I'll rinse this little bloodfest before you accidentally get on their bad side" the man chuckled.
"Okay, thank you" Hannibal nervously muttered before bolting to his front door.
He quickly closed and locked the front door behind him, rushing to his bedroom and searching desperately for a clean pair of panties and clothes. He swallowed the bitter tasting pain killers and sat in the warm shower, crying himself into a throbbing headache as his vaginal blood coated the shower/bath floor to be rinsed away.
This awful cycle went on for awhile.
After he was clean and moisturized, he gobbled up more aspirin than the recommended dose and passed out for most of the day.
When evening came, his phone rang startling him awake.

Will teaches young man Hannibal a lessonWhere stories live. Discover now