Name Generator 1

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Hello Warrior Cat fans! I thought this would be cool so I made one. I hope you all enjoy!! dedicated to silverfaun

Month you were born-(This will be the pre-fix in your name.)

January: Ash

February: Grass

March: Shadow

April: Rose

May: Flame

June: Clover

July: Fox

August: Web

September: Amber

October: Spark

November: Leaf

December: Winter

Date you were born-(This will be the suffix of your name.)

1: Claw

2: Fur

3: Moon

4: Face

5: Pool

6: Ice

7: Berry

8: Star

9: Fang

10: Frost

11: Stream

12: Bird

13: Water

14: Whisker

15: Mist

16: Wing

17: Flame

18: Claw

19: Scar

20: Heart

21: Nose

22: Flood

23: Paw

24: Thorn

25: Owl

26: Death

27: Glow

28: Pelt

29: Flower

30: Kit

31: Cherry

I got Leafclaw! Put what you got in the comments

Purrfect Warrior Cat NamesWhere stories live. Discover now