Christmas Miracle

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Timeline: After season 7

It was another Christmas month for the bladers in the beyblade world. All the bladers were excited to celebrate Christmas. "This Christmas is going to be awesome!" Kris cheered.
"Yeah! It's going to be fun!" Valt replied.
"I've sent out the invitations to everyone! Everyone can make it...Except for Shu..." Kris explained. "Oh..." Valt looked disappointed since Shu was the one he was most hyped about since the two have been dating for a few years now. "Well, I'm going to go find Free now and see what he's up to." Valt sighed as he went off to find his friend. Valt eventually ran into Free. "Hey Free, what are you up to?" Valt smiled.
"I'm just about to head to the store to get some fries, do you wanna come with me?" Free asked.
"Yeah sure!" Valt smile was getting a little weaker but he figured getting fries with Free would be a nice distraction.

Valt and Free both got ready and then they went to the store to buy some fries for the Christmas party. "So, Valt, are you excited for the Christmas party?" Free asked out of curiosity.
"Y-yeah, I'm excited for it, I just kinda wish he could make it..." Valt whispered.
"Who?" Free questioned.
"Shu.." Valt mumbled.
"Oh, right, yeah I forgot, he's the owner of the raging bulls, things must be very busy for him but it wouldn't hurt him to have a little break. I mean you guys are still together though? Right?" Free sighed.
"Yeah...I guess he just doesn't want to celebrate it this year..I feel bad for him though.." Valt exhaled sharply. "Look on the bright side, everyone else will be there! You'll bet to reunite with everyone else! All of the other legends will be there! It's going to be the most chaotic party...All of the bladers will be there including family members of those bladers..." Free said.
"Yeah there's gonna be a lot of people, I'm sure it'll be fun and uhhh chaotic" Valt chuckled.
"Especially since Pri and Bel are going to be there and they fight all the time, even Bel and Ranzo fight a lot, although Bel is the Dark Prince he'll probably end up fighting with everyone, I just hope it doesn't end badly.." Free explained.
"I mean what kind of party would it be without Bel being there" Valt giggled.
"I guess you have a point, now let's get these fries!" Free smiled warmly. The two bladers went inside to get the fries. "Is there anything else Kris said she needed?" Valt asked. "She just messaged me a list of things to get" Free responded.

After a while of shopping Free and Valt went back to BC Sol. It was only two days left till Christmas. "We're back with the groceries!" Valt called out as he handed Ange the groceries. "Thanks Valt and Free, you two really are legends" Ange smiled.
"No problem!" Valt grinned as Free gave a soft smile and a nod. Valt went off to his dorm room and he glanced over at his bey Valtryek. "Hey buddy, I know I'm supposed to have a break due to the Christmas holidays but I just want to get into battle, Christmas this year is going to be wild, I'm excited, it's a shame Shu won't be there but hey, we'll have all these other awesome friends celebrating with us! It's going to be super fun!" Valt whispered as he admired his bey which started to do its shine for a second. "Alright, maybe a little bit of training wouldn't hurt!" Valt cheered as he got himself fired up. The bluenette went to the training grounds where no one was in sight. "Let it rip!" Valt yelled as he launched Valtryek into the stadium.
"I see we thought the same thing..." A certain green haired blader said as he walked into the training room. "Oh hey, Silas, you're gonna train too?" Valt asked.
"Yeah, I don't understand why Kris wants us to take a break, I personally would rather spend my time training as opposed to a Christmas party. We're bladers! It's our thing to blade.." Silas ranted. "Yeah, and there's some bladers out there who won't take a break at all...Not even for a Christmas party..." Valt whispered.
"Oh, yeah, I heard the news, I'm sorry to hear that he's not coming this Christmas, but I'm sure he'll be fine." Silas replied.
"Yeah, I'm sure he'll be fine, I just wish he would visit us though, I just want to see him" Valt complained. "Well I say we have a battle! You know to take your mind off of this" Silas smirked?
"You're on Silas!"

The next day
It was Christmas eve and Valt went for his daily run. He went over to the forrest that him and Free would train in. "This stadium takes me back..." Valt smiled as he whispered walking over to the stadium. Valt pulled out his beyblade Valtryek and he trained."3, 2,1 Let it ripp!" Valt yelled as he launched Valtryek into the stadium. "Go! Use rush launch!!" He called out as his bey obeyed his command and did its special move rush launch. The trajectory of the bey had increased and the speed was going really fast.

Eventually he was worn out and he collapsed on the ground. "Valt...Valt! Valt!!" A voice called out but no response. Eventually they carried Valt back to a safer spot away from the forrest. Valt slowly opened his eyes and examined his surroundings. "Oh, you're awake!" The crimson eyed blader whispered.
"Wow...This is such a cool dream..." Valt smiled.
"A dream...? No, this isn't a dream! I'm actually here!" Shu chuckled.
"Wait! It's real!" Valt yelled leaping off the couch he was laying on and pouncing over to the taller boy. "Woah Valt, are you okay?" Shu asked. Valt slowly started to tear up a bit.
"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that, I thought you weren't coming to the party so I was sad!" Valt cried.
"I would never miss the chance to see you..." Shu's face slowly formed into a small smile and a soft blush. "Now come on let's go, I wanna show you something!" Shu dragged Valt to a pretty garden. The two boys watched the sunset together. The sun eventually had gone down and Valt started to lean on Shu for a bit. The two boys gazed up to the sky and saw fireworks go off. "This is the best way to end Christmas Eve..." Valt whispered.
"Yeah! For sure" Shu smiled.
"Although, I'm getting sleepy" Valt yawned.
"Here let's head back to my place.." Shu replied as he placed Valt on his back and went back to the hotel that he was staying at while he was in Spain. The hotel room was perfectly neat. Valt took a second to look around the place. "Come on! Let's watch a movie!" Shu suggested as Valt nodded. "Okay, sounds good..." Valt's face lit up with excitement as they put on a Christmas movie.

'If I could spend the night with someone on Christmas Eve then I'm glad it's Shu..I'm still surprised he's here, I mean I thought he wasn't going to be here for Christmas Eve...' Valt thought to himself as he curled up next to Shu and watched the movie. The two continued to watch the movie. Valt was getting a little sleepy and leaned on Shu's shoulder. Shu looked over and saw his boyfriend leaning on him. "Valt..." Shu whispered.
"Yeah..Shu" Valt mumbled.
"I love you..."
"I love you too"

The two boys eventually had fallen asleep on the couch together. Eventually the sun started to rise and Shu was making Christmas breakfast for the two bladers. "Hey Valt, good morning, Merry Christmas!" Shu smiled.
"Merry Christmas, Shu!" Valt grinned as his eyes beamed of excitement.
"Have some Christmas breakfast" Shu replied as he placed two plates of pancakes on the table for both of them to eat. The two boys ate their breakfast and got ready for Kris's Christmas party.
"Thank you for breakfast, Shu. The pancakes were amazing!" Valt cheered giving Shu his classic toothy smile. "No problem Valt" Shu responded.

Eventually everyone had arrived at the Christmas party. "Hey Valt! Merry Christmas " Daigo called out. "Daigo! Hey! Merry Christmas!" Valt greeted.
"It's nice having the gang back together" Ken said through his puppet Besu.
"Well it's obviously not a group reunion without me, right Valt?" Wakiya chuckled as he walked over towards the group. "Keep dreaming Goldilocks" Honcho mocked.
"Hey! Shut it! No one asked you Rantaro!" Wakiya shouted.
"Hey guys, let's enjoy then party!" Valt exclaims as he starts jamming to the Christmas music. "I see some things never change" Shu appears out of no where.
"Shu!! How was the fireworks with Valt? You two seemed to really enjoy it!" Honcho smirked.
"Wait, how did you know about the fireworks?" Valt asked.
"It was all part of the plan. Shu surprise visits you, he takes you to watch the fireworks, true romance right there" Honcho explains.
"Shu..? You planned that?" Valt's eyes lit up.
"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you in the most coolest way possible." Shu answered.
"This is the best Christmas ever" Valt whispers. Suddenly the beyclub could hear yelling, they turn around to see Bel and Ranzo fighting while Bashara was trying to break up the fight along with his sister Hanna. "It's nice seeing my cousin Ranzo, I haven't seen him in ages! I wonder where Ranjiro is, he owes me a lollipop!" Honcho cried.
"Last I saw him he was with Aiger!" Valt replied.
"Thanks Valt, I'm going to go see him!" Honcho smiled as he walked off.
"Having everyone here, really is a Christmas miracle" Valt giggled to himself.

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