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It has already been two days and the couples are still not over with the fight. Seungmin and Minho had called over the couples at their house to solve the fight between them. Hyunjin, Jisung ,Felix and Chan were sitting on one sofa. Jeongin and Changbin on another sofa.

Minho and Seungmin were sitting on another sofa. Basically, they had three sofas and a center table between them. Jiwon was with Ms. Han. Woosik was at his grandparents' house. Jeongsoon was with Jeongin's parents since they haven't seen him for long.

"Okay so let's see where the problem is." Minho said.

"Let us start with Changbin hyung and Jeongin."

"Okay so both of you. Why do you fight so much?"

"We don't fight that much."


"I mean just a bit more than usual."

"Okay good."

"Now say sorry and promise each other not to fight over small small things."

The two did what they were told. Next were the Hyunsung couple.

"I have known Jisung since I was born and Hyunjin since we were in University. Why are both of you fighting? You guys might be pabo but I never saw you guys fighting over something stupid. This is not something to fight about. Jisung spends enough time with you so stop being dramatic and Jisung you need to prioritize Hyunjin over work sometimes."

Both of them felt guilty and said sorry to each other. Now, it was Felix and Chan's turn.

"Felix my brother. You remember how appa and your mother got into a fight and she took you to Australia with her for 3 whole years and how sad you were. Do you want something like this to happen with Woosik too? You were right to get angry but you shouldn't stretch the fight so much and you old man, spend time with him instead of your work because if you make my brother cry for one more time I will kill you."

Felix knew Minho could actually kill someone if anyone tried to hurt him, even though he doesn't have any experience with killing. He hugged Chan and said sorry. Chan too realized his mistake and said sorry.

"Now, we don't want anyone to fight in public."

"It isn't like we don't fight but we don't let anyone find it. You should be the same."

"I am sure this will also affect your kids some day. Try not to fight in front of them especially."

The 3 couples nodded and thanked them for making them patch up.

A week later

The three couples decided to go on vacation. They asked the 2Min couple also but they rejected the offer saying school wouldn't give them leave. They didn't force them. They kind of expected this answer. So, they went on the trip themselves.

Sorry, this chapter is shorter than others

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Sorry, this chapter is shorter than others. Can't promise but will try to make the next chapter longer. Just wanted to know if I should add about their trip or not. I am thinking about adding 2Min adopting cats.

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