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It's been a couple of months and I got an apartment
I was unpacking there was a knock on the door I open it and it was Eddie and Buck
Eddie: hey sis
Ava: hey
We hug
Ava: hey baby
Buck: hey pretty lady
We kiss
Eddie: how the unpacking going
Ava: good I'm almost done
Eddie: that's good
Ava: yeah
Buck sat down and I sat on his lap
Ava: So Eddie how it's going with Christopher old teacher
Eddie: we broke up just because every time we were out I would panic
Ava: yeah I know Buck called me
Eddie: Buck
Buck: what she is your sister
Eddie: yeah I know
Ava: does anyone want a drink
Buck: coffee
Eddie: yeah same
I got up and made the drinks then I felt arms around me
Ava: hey baby
Buck: hey
He turn me around
Buck: I love you
Ava: what
Buck: I love you
Ava: you know it's our first time saying that
Buck: yeah I know but I do love you
Ava: I love you too
We kiss and we start to make out
Eddie: can I have my drink
I pull away and I give the coffee to Eddie
Buck: Eddie I love your sister
Ava: hehe
I kiss him
2 hours later
Eddie: I better go gotta pick up Christopher
Ava: okay Buck you staying?
Buck: yeah I will be
Eddie: bye
Ava: thanks for coming
We hug and he left
Buck: so we got the place to ourselves
Ava: yeah I wonder what we can do
Buck picks me up and took me to my room and throw his on the bed
Ava: I like how this is going
Buck: hehe
We kiss we start to make out he took of his top I roll over and now I'm top I was on top of him I took of my top
Buck: god I love these tits
Ava: shut up
Buck: okay
I kiss him and I lick down his abs
That's all I'm going to get into to
I just flop onto the bed out of breath
Buck: shit that was good
Ava: facts
I kiss him I got up and got dressed
I went into the living room
A year later
I kept getting morning sickness and I haven't gotten my period for 2 weeks and Buck and I have move in with each other
Buck: how are you feeling
Ava: okay ig
Buck: I'm call in the day off
Ava: no go into work
Buck: no I want to look after you cuz I love you
Ava: I love you too
We kiss and he calls Bobby I felt like I was going to throw up I ran to the bathroom and throw up
Buck: Bobby I gotta go yes I will send on my love to her thank you again
He hang up and went to the bathroom and sat down next to me and I start to cry
Ava: I hate this
Buck: hey come here
I lay down his chest
Buck: Bobby sends his love
Ava: okay I will text him later
Buck: have you taken a pregnancy test
I look at him
Buck: look you haven't gotten your period for 2 weeks and morning sickness as well
Ava: yeah can you get me one
Buck: yes I will Maddie is not working today so I will she can look after you
Ava: okay
He calls Maddie
2 minutes later Maddie came in Buck kiss me and he left
Maddie: so he is getting a test
Ava: yeah he is
Maddie: you okay
Ava: what if I am pregnant what will Eddie say
Maddie: I'm sure he will be happy
Ava: yeah
2 minutes later
Buck: I'm back and here is the test
I grab it and I pee on it
Ava: okay now we wait for 3 minutes
I set the alarm and Buck pull me on his lap
3 minutes later
Buck: the alarm is going off
I grab the test
Buck: okay you really
Ava: 3
Buck: 2
Ava: 1
I flip the test over and it has two lines I look at Buck with tears
Buck: omg
Maddie: so
I show her the test
Maddie: omg yes you guys are going to be parents
Ava: yeah we are
I look at Buck he put me on my bed and went outside I look at Maddie
Ava: doesn't he want kids
I just cry
Maddie: I'm sure he does l will go talk to him
Ava: okay
Buck POV
Ava: yeah we are
She looks at me and I took her off my lap and went outside I look through pictures on my phone of my family and I start to tear up
Maddie: dude you know Ava is crying
I look at her with tears
Maddie: woah you okay
Buck: what if I'm a bad dad like our dad
Maddie: you won't
Buck: how do you know
Maddie: because you are not like him
Buck: yea right
Maddie: you have change after since you start dating Ava look you love her and you will love your child so you will treat her/him right I promise you
Buck: yeah I do love Ava
Maddie: now Ava is crying and go and make sure you tell her the reason
Buck: okay
I went inside and went to our room ams she was on the phone
Ava: yes Eddie I'm okay just not feeling good okay bye
The door open and it was Buck
Ava: yes Eddie I'm okay just not feeling good okay bye
I put my phone down
Buck: okay before you say anything let me talk
Ava: okay
He sat down
Buck: the reason why I ran out was because I'm scared that I'm going to be a bad dad just like my dad
Ava: so your scared of being a dad
Buck: yeah it just I never thought I would be like this and you
He grab my hands
Buck: and you have change me and I'm sorry for running out and if you want to break up then
I just kiss him
Ava: hey look I get it I know that your family life wasn't good and I get it that your scared I'm scared to and I don't wanna break up
Buck: really
Ava: I love you and I don't wanna leave you
He kiss me and he grab his bag and pull out a ring box
I look at him
Buck: I was going to do this like romantic but I wanna do this now and I know that we have been together for a year but well you merry me
Ava: yes
He put the ring on the finger and he kiss me
Maddie: so you guys good
Buck: yeah we are good and we are getting married
Maddie: omg really
I show her the ring
Maddie: dude this is sick
Buck: yeah I know
Ava: Does Eddie know
Buck: yeah he found the ring in my bag so yk
Ava: true
Buck: you wanna tell him the news
Ava: that I'm pregnant
Buck: yeah
Ava: sure
I got dress and I put my test in my pocket and we left to go the station
Eddie: hey you feeling good
Ava: yeah I am
Eddie: Buck I see you propose
Buck: yeah
Ava: close your eyes
Eddie: okay
He did that and I got the test out of my pocket
Ava: now open
He open his eyes and he just look at me
Eddie: your pregnant
Ava: yeah
He got the test and look at it
Eddie: my sister is pregnant
He just pick me up
Ava: hehe
He put me down and hug buck
Buck: guys I have some news
Hen: what is it
Buck: me and Ava are getting married and we are going to have a baby
Hen: that is great
Everyone hugs us
Bobby: who would have known Buck getting married
Buck: I know but I'm getting married to the love of my life
I kiss him
Hen: can I see the ring
I show them the ring
Hen: Buck you did a good good job
Buck: yeah I know
2 hours later
We were hanging out then the bell ring
Ava: is it like the 5 call for the past 2 hours later
Bobby: yeah
They ran to the truck
A week later
I was hanging out with buck and Eddie
Buck: who wants coffee
Eddie: I will
Ava: babe you do the coffee and can you get me a water I need to go pee
I went to the bathroom and I saw blood in my underwear
Buck: YEAH
he came to the bathroom
Buck: what's up
Ava: blood
Buck: what
Ava: I got my period
Buck: so you lose
Ava: the baby yeah I did
I start to cry and Buck hugs me and I broke down
Eddie: is everything okay
Buck: yeah umm can you call the home doctor the number is on the fridge
Eddie: okay
Buck took me to the couch and we sat down
Eddie: he is on his why can you tell me what is going on
Ava: I got my period
Eddie: really
Ava: yeah
5 minutes later
The doctor came and we did some test
Doctor: yeah Ava I'm sorry but you lost your baby
I start to cry and Buck holds my hand
Eddie: thank you doc
Eddie show him out
Buck: I just can't believe it
Ava: me too look Buck if you want to leave me then you can
Buck: I'm not going to leave you just because you got your period look I love you and we are getting married no matter what
I kiss him and I hug him and I just cry
Eddie: okay he is gone and I'm going to go
Buck: hey Eddie can you get the water
Eddie: yeah here
Buck: drink
I look a slip out of the water
Eddie: sis come here
I hug Eddie
Eddie: okay if you need anything text me
Buck: okay we'll do
He left
The next day
I took the day off and I took Buck to work
Hen: hey
Buck: hey Hen I'm going to get change I will be back
Ava: okay
He went to the change room and I sat down
Hen: you okay Ava
Ava: umm I lost the baby yesterday I got my period
I start to tear up
Hen: really
Ava: yeah and I hate it because I wanted the baby
I start to cry and hen hug me
Buck: woah is everything okay
Hen: she was telling me about the baby and I'm so sorry
Buck: it's okay
I pull away from Hen
Buck: babe
Ava: no
He touch my arms
I ran out of the fire station
Buck: AVA
I just kept running then I bump into someone I look up
Ava: Zack
Zack: hey pretty lady
He pick me up and throw me into his van and everything went black

To be continued

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