Chapter Twelve ☆

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"I was afraid of my own thoughts and the thoughts behind my thoughts."


The weeks passed quickly, turning into months. Nyxa's stuff was shared between the compound and her apartment before being moved over permanently. She still didn't know if she was being smart, living with the others full time... but the changed decision itself wasn't a hard one. For once she was going with what made her happy.

It was with that very thought that Wanda walked across the room and Nyxa's eyes took her in for a quick moment.
This was a problem, the Sokovian. The more specific problem being Nyxa's ridiculously annoying feelings about her. For her.

It was attraction, that's all it was... a while back. But Wanda was so gentle and so full of emotion and life, Nyxa ached by just being around her. It had gotten so bad that the definition of a good or bad day was now based on whether or not she'd interacted with the brunette.

Within just the first two weeks of knowing her, Nyxa had felt drawn to and soothed by her. She'd found the Sokovian woman alluring, found her safe. These past couple months had grown those thoughts and feelings exponentially.

Nyxa caught the Avenger looking at her too, eyes flickering over her face and watching her during conversations. She worried what that meant.
Her phone-- the old one from her universe-- felt heavy in her pocket. The guilt eating her up inside was there everytime she thought about Wanda. Which meant it was there all the time.

What about Kienna? What about her life? Doing this was just another way to say she'd accepted she was never getting back to her universe. But if it meant having the team- having Wanda... was that really so bad? The thought threatened to make Nyxa sick. How could she think like that?

But it had been an almost full five years since she'd been here. Life back in her old universe had probably moved on without her... and this place had become her home- stop it.

Where were these treacherous thoughts even coming from? They went against everything she'd been driving for. 'Her old universe?' This place being her 'home?'
Ugh, her head was starting to hurt.

"What's wrong?"

Eyes darting up quickly and meeting with that gentle green, Nyxa's headache faded, along with most of her logical and rational thoughts. "I- uh-"
Apparently her ability to speak English had left too.
Clearing her throat, Nyxa gave a little smile. "Nothing. Just thinking."

Wanda sat beside her and Nyxa swore internally. Great, now she'd really have a clear head.
Seven Hells, Wanda Maximoff was beautiful. Just sitting and existing, eyes green and mouth smiling. It wasn't like Nyxa was having a life crisis and experiencing strange thoughts that went against everything she believed in...but nah, Wanda can just sit there and look pretty.

"Okay then," Wanda smiled. "Are you doing anything later?"

Yes, contemplating her life decisions, how she got here... and how to stop freaking out over one woman. She'd probably sulk too at some point and then restart the cycle.

Gods, strike her down now.

Wanda let out a confused laugh at the tone but could clearly see there was some type of war raging inside the other Avenger as she just rested a hand on her arm.
At the action, Wanda's hand on her, Nyxa hoped that whoever was upstairs controlling this shit, they were at least enjoying themselves.

"Would you like to watch something later?" The Sokovian asked gently, Nyxa pretending she was contemplating it while actually raging inside her head.


"Would you like to choose?" Wanda was fighting an amused smile, probably concerned for her mental state while pretending she wasn't.

"Choose?" Nyxa asked quickly, confused. "Choose what?"

Now Wanda did smile, a little frown that said she was definitely concerned. "The movie?"

Oh Gods above, Nyxa cursed. Bury her now. Dig a hole, throw her in and cover her back up. "No, that's okay. You can." She took a quick breath.

Kill her. Just kill her. Right here and now preferably.



Wanda winced at the conversation. Was she coming on too strong?
If she thought Nyxa wasn't into her before, she was definitely certain of it now.

The raven haired Avenger was as unreadable as ever, eyes harboring a severe intensity. She looked like her mind was anywhere but here, seemingly bored with the conversation.

Wanda swallowed. Was it her? Because she was fairly certain Nyxa was into women to some degree. With that level of attractiveness it was almost unthinkable to be entirely straight.

The brunette had also seen Nyxa interact with other women, and there was an attentiveness there that left no other explanation. She'd also watched Nat and her together- maybe that was why Nyxa looked painfully uninterested in her and this conversation.

Wanda had been certain they were friends by now but Nyxa was always so serious it was hard to tell.
"Okay," Wanda laughed, hearing it's nervousness and awkwardness. The breath Nyxa took was a little bit frustrated so Wanda decided it was time to go.
"I'll see you later then, Nova."

Nyxa didn't even seem to hear her, not bothering to reply.

A super quick one, just to kind of give you a look at how Nyxa appears from the outside POV even though we've seen her... chaotic(putting it lightly) inner monologue 😭

Also, I don't know what to do with these two. I feel like there isn't enough tension or time to put them together yet but idk. So if there's any like, specific scene or trope you want to see then PLEASE just tell me. I could use the help


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