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Waking up after the not so good dream, Minji couldn't sleep. So, she just decided to start getting ready for her work since it was almost time for her morning alarm to go off.

Stretching her body, she went towards the kitchen to make some coffee. After she was done, she went towards the dining table and went on her phone for a while.

After she finished her coffee, she brushed her teeth, washed her face and went for a nice warm shower.

"Good morning!", Minji exclaimed as she got in the office.
"Good morning Ms. Kang you are late.", Mr. Cha told her.
"By 5 minutes, it isn't that much." Minji stated with a smile.
"Anyways, go do your work." Mr. Cha said.
"Yes sir", Minji said and went straight to her work.

"By the way how is the feedback on the Seventeen member's collab?" Minji asked Mrs. Shin.
"They are great! Everything is going according to plan and stocks are higher than before." Mrs. Shin answered proudly.


"Hyung! What are you thinking about?" I heard Dino ask.
"Oh what? Just some stuff it's really nothing." I replied.
"Oh, okay then." Dino said sounding suspicious of me.

"Tell the others I am going to get something to eat outside, okay?" I asked Dino.
"Why don't you just eat at the cafeteria in the building?" Dino asked.
"I don't feel like it." I replied simply.
"Okay, being something for me too." Dino said.
I nodded to Dino, took my car keys out of the locker and went to drive around a bit then decide where to eat.

"This place looks good." I said to myself while checking out the place and then went inside the café with my mask.

Since there was a line there and I had too much time to waste, I decided to sit at one of the tables.

I was on my phone when I heard the cafe door open, I looked at the door out of instinct when I saw a familiar face.

"Kang Minji?" I said loudly as I saw her turning her head towards me.
"Kim Mingyu-shi?" I heard her say.


Mingyu sees Minji walk into the café and waves at her. He calls out her name and starts walking over.

The two smile at each other and Mingyu tries to strike up a conversation. Mingyu remembered how Minji excused herself last time and they didn't really have a proper conversation. So, he tries his best to not sound awkward.

He starts with a simple question, "How are you today?"
Minji smiles and says she is doing well. She then asks how Mingyu is doing and the two start to engage in small talk after getting themselves something to eat.

Mingyu continues talking to Minji and they start to get to know each other a bit more. Mingyu is still a little nervous because he really wants to impress her, but he is starting to feel more comfortable. Eventually, the two of them start to engage in some flirty banter and Mingyu can't help but notice how beautiful Minji looks.

They both were enjoying their conversation but then Minji noticed her break was almost over and she started to get anxious about leaving.

She excuses herself and says, "Oh no, my break is almost over. I have to get back to work now."

Mingyu is disappointed that she has to leave but he says, "That's alright. It was good talking to you. We should meet up again sometime."

Minji starts to get up to go back to work but she remembers something.

She smiles and asks Mingyu, "I really enjoyed talking to you. Do you want to exchange numbers so we can keep in touch?"

To be honest, Mingyu didn't  expect her to say that but Mingyu is surprised by Minji's request but he is also thrilled. He smiles softly and says, "Of course, I would love to exchange numbers with you. Here, let me add my number to your phone."
"Great!" Minji exclaimed and handed her mobile phone to Mingyu.

After giving a quick call to confirm the number, they bid goodbyes and went their ways.

Minji walks into her office and finds that her team manager is waiting for her. He looks annoyed that she is late and asks her:

"Where have you been? You know we have a very important meeting in ten minutes, right?"

Minji defends herself and says she was only 5 minutes late but Mr. Cha doesn't look much impressed, "I know it's only 5 minutes, but we have a lot to get through today so every minute counts. Please don't be late again."

Minji quickly apologizes and starts working on her projects while she waits for the meeting. She is feeling a little stressed, she has had many meetings with the CEO as every time there is a meeting, Minji and Mr. Cha attended the meeting as the marketing team's representatives. But, then again, who wouldn't feel nervous meeting the CEO.

The meeting starts with the CEO, Seo A-ri speaking calmly and directly. She explains the details of the upcoming campaign to the marketing team. She outlines The target audience, the strategies and techniques that they will use, and their budget for the project. She also covers the upcoming events and promotions that they will be running.

The team is following along, taking notes and asking questions if needed. Minji is listening attentively and taking in the information.

After the meeting, Minji went back to the office. Minji thinks the meeting goes well and is pleased with how it went. She feels confident after leaving work and she drives home with a sense of accomplishment.

Minji gets home and starts her night routine. She goes into the bathroom and takes a quick shower. She takes a nice  warm shower, gets out of the bathroom in a robe, does her night skincare and changes into her PJs.

Then, she walks into the kitchen and begins making dinner.

Minji starts cooking the bibimbap and the smells of the vegetables fill the room. The flavors combine perfectly and the meat is tender and savory. The sweet and spicy flavor of the sauce adds a great kick. The bowl is filled with different colors and textures, making it look like a delectable dish.

Minji takes a picture of the bibimbap as she finishes cooking it. She appreciates how it looks and she likes to keep a collection of photos of her cooking. She feels proud of her cooking skills.

Minji eats her bibimbap while watching the kdrama "The Alchemy of Souls". She savors each bite and enjoys the delicious flavor of the dish.

As the kdrama keeps going, she keeps eating, and by the time the episode is over, she has finished her food. She is feeling satisfied and relaxed. She turns off the TV and gets ready for bed, looking forward to a good night's sleep.


Ik it's been a while since I updated. Mostly because I didn't know what to write or whatever but finally a chapter is out😭
Also what I do at the beginning or the chapter, like a rewind, I don't like it anymore so am changing that so don't get confused.

Happy reading!

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