A Short Story of a School House

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Alissa was always an odd girl. She grew up in a house of satanists and rituals. When she was 13, social services took her and her grandmother took custody.

Her parents used quija boards to talk to the dead. She always wondered what it felt like. Connecting with the dead? Scary, but intriguing. She had the perfect opportunity to try it too. At an old school house just west of where she lives, due to be demolished.

She called up her closest friends, Bridget, Maddison,Damien and Sarah.
It took a little convincing when they heard her insane plot. Slowly but surely she got them. They met that night. At that very school house, just west of where she lives. She grabs her quija board and takes off.

Alissa arrived at the school house around eleven thirty. She stood in front of it in awe. She waits patiently for another 10 minutes for everyone to arrive. When everyone was where they needed to be, they entered the broken school. "It smells in here" Sarah said, disgusted. "Come on." Alissa said " We need to find a place for the quija board." Everyone followed In her lead quietly.

They found what appeared to be the lunch room. Only a few tables remaining. Everything rotted and nasty. Alissa set the board down on one of the tables carefully. She got on her knees and placed two fingers carefully on the planchette and prompted everyone over. Everybody was hesitant about touching it, but they all placed two fingers on the
game piece.

"Are you guys ready?" She said devilishly with a smirk on
her face. Everyone quickly nodded their head. "Is anyone there?" She said. No answer. "Is anyone there?" She said again, except louder. No answer. "This is stupid" Damien said. Sarah and Damien got up and headed towards the door. The doors slammed shut. All of them. Damien pulled on the door handle but it wouldn't budge.

"You've made it mad" Alissa said. "We have to finish it."
"I will NOT finish this game!" Bridget said, on the verge of crying."

"Okay. Suit your self. Go find your own way out" Alissa said. Bridget ran off to her own doom. "Anyone else wanna leave? Good. Now put your fingers on the piece." She said more firmly. They did as they were told. "Is anyone there?" Alissa asked. The piece moved slowly and everyone's eyes got wide. It landed on yes. Alissa felt a rush go through her body. Her heart started beating fast. "What should we ask it?" Maddison said "Are you a ghost?" No answer. "Are you good?" The pieced moved fast to no. Everyone was scared out of their minds.

A scream comes from upstairs and next thing you know Bridgets body is slung across the room. "Bridget!!" Sarah screams, running towards her lifeless looking body. She's covered in blood. Sarah hovers over her body, tears rolling down her face. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" Sarah screams. The the doors to the lunch room slam, closing everyone off.

"Let's finish this and get it over with."
Alissa said. Sarah ran to the table ready to play some more. "Let's just get this over with." She said in tears. "What do you want from us?!" Damien asked firmly. Fastly, it spelled out the letters Y O U.

Damiens eyes rolled to the back of his head, head tilted back. A slit cutting across his throat slowly, blood dripping. He began levitating in the air, and speaking a language no one's heard of. He falls to the floor. Dead. Lifeless.

Maddison was sitting on the floor. Rocking back and forth, back and forth stroking her hair. Damien walks over to her. Alissa looks up and sees Damien. "What the -" she's cut off by the sound of laughing. The most malevolent laughing she's ever heard in her life. She's paralyzed with fear. Her. Alissa. Fearless Alissa, paralyzed with fear.

Maddison starts screaming when she looks up and realizes it's not Sarah caressing her. Maddison, Sarah and Alissa all bust a window open and jump out the window. The drop seemed alot long than it acually was. They look up and Bridgets body is being thrown out the window .
Her body falls yards away from where they're standing. They all burst into tears.

"Guys.. I can't do this anymore" Maddison bellowed out. "Kill me! Kill me now! Please!" She says falling on her knees. She takes a shard of glass and stabs herself in the stomach and neck. Blood starts filling her mouth and she falls on her stomach.
Alissa and Sarah weren't paying attention to all that was happening behind them Alissa turns around and sees her best friend laying on the ground. She flips Maddison over and Sarah checks her non existing pulse. "Shes.... shes..." Sarah starts crying even harder and starts hyperventilating.
Alissa trys to calm her breathing down but fails. Sarah's hands and feet start to become blue and her breathing becoming more and more shallow with each breath. Alissa sits there, holding her best friend in her arms. The breathing stops. Alissa stands up and decides she needs to get out of here fast. She runs and runs and runs until she finds a road. A faint light at the end of the road sparks some hope in her. She stands in the middle of the road waving her arms. The vehicle comes speeding down, not slowing down at all. She doesn't think to move out the way. It gets closer and closer, the light blinding. She blinks and there's nothing there.

There's not road. Definitely not a car. No sign of anyone. She had imagined it all. She had gone crazy. She's sick of it all. She'd be blamed for the deaths of everyone. She'd be the one in trouble. She was the only one who survived so they'd pin it on her.

She walked and walked and walked until she reached a small town. She caught a bus to to Atlantic City. She died her hair and cut it. She changed her name and left her last behind. Everything that happened that night was to never be spoken of ever again.

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