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Hi! Good morning. (It's 2am rn😭) I sincerely apologize for not updating and making y'all wait, I got banned from using my phone and after like 2 days after(i think??), my emotions got in the way so I decided to write it when I feel better.😭

Wished I was a robot though, I hate feeling emotions and I have a bad habit on setting them aside. (I've set them aside for almost 16 years and now here I am, suddenly having breakdowns these days. I'm okay, I'm fine, Gwaenchanatengnengnengnengneng.)

"The galaxy's guardian? Isn't that only a tale?"

The confused commander questioned the robot.

"Well, it is. But who knows— that tale might be real."

The robot responded with a hum.

"According to the tale, this guardian is actually harmless and only strict when it comes to evil who causes a huge chaos or mess around the galaxy— especially near the planets and those who causes this will never be given the chance to escape the wrath of the guardian. It is also said that they help and even save those who are innocent in the space, but of course, their appearance will hardly be revealed even to the innocent ones and only leaves nothing behind but fading traces of stardust. In this tale, this guardian wears a mask whenever they make actions visible to others, sadly he or she is forbidden to go inside the earth. The answer is still unknown...."

As the robot continued, Boboiboy wandered deep in his thoughts.

'Galaxy's guardian, leaves traces of stardust behind and wears a mask? That's familiar— Where did I hear that from again?'

Boboiboy questioned to himself, searching deep through his memories.

'As much as I don't want to believe this so called galaxy's guardian, there's this person that saved me from danger, everything was quite blurry with that speed of theirs that I barely see their appearance — all I can remember is that they wear a mask and leave nothing but trails of stardust behind. The tale may actually be true, but I'm not sure.'

A certain non-human captain's words echoed in his mind and his brown eyes widened in realization.

"Now that you mention it... Kaizo actually told me that he was saved by a stranger from the galaxy— he even said that this stranger was quite fast and that they were wearing a mask, and lastly; leaves nothing but trails of stardust behind."

The young superhero spoke.

"If that's what Kaizo said, that's definitely no joke. I mean— does he even joke?"

Gopal snorted.

"You're only digging up your own grave, Gopal."

Boboiboy bit back the urge to laugh.

Ochobot sighed at their behavior, despite being heroes, they sure are goofy.


The dark purple haired male sneezed, before a groan escaped his throat as laughter was heard from the device.

"Aww, was that a sneeze coming from you, captain?"

A teasing tone of voice from the device on his ear asked.

"I did not sneeze. You must be hearing things."

"Haha, I doubt that."

"Just who were those meddling brats who stopped us from capturing Motobot?!"

The captain of the space pirate complained, attaching a new hook on his arm and making sure it wasn't loose before aggressively smashing something in the ship.

"According to data, they are; Boboiboy, an elemental superhero— and, Gopal, a superhero with the power of material manipulation. Both of their superpowers came from a power sphera named Ochobot."

A member of the space pirates spoke to their captain, the screen showing an icon of a certain power sphera.

The captain looked at the screen in disbelief.

"How is it possible that a power sphera can grant two different powers while also carrying the power of teleportation?"

"Unknown, captain. Data regarding Ochobot is limited, it does not fit under any known classification of previously known power spheras."



"Yes. Soon we will get our hands on both Motobot and Ochobot power spheras!"

The alien laughed, planning on something evil.

"Onwards to their location!"

He ordered.

"But their location is unknown, captain."

"Track the coordinates of the broken mechanical hook."

"Roger, captain."

"Coordinates received. Heading to earth now."

A pair of [Eye color] eyes watched the space ships go on full speed and heading to earth.

'I have to keep an eye on them.'

The young girl followed the ship silently, easily catching up to the space ship.

'What are they up to this time..? It's not going to be easy for me if they go inside the earth, not only I'm forbidden to go in there, no one will guard the space.'

'I just hope there will be people there with the power that can be use of help and save people and the world from evil.'

[Name] frowned, worried that there might be none.

'I just wanted everything and everyone to be safe... please...'


And again I'm sorry if this is short😭 I'll make sure to write again later and make it longer.💌

As much as I want to write more rn until 7am bcs I suffer from insomnia but I can't— I might get caught here. (Ay hab a skeri fader.😨)

Anywayyysss!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New year!! (Is it even happy?😭 I'm still mentally unstable.)

Azril Beaufort

Status; unedited.

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