Coming Home

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They woke up around 3 am. Early flights are so exciting but god is that an awful hour. They were heading East. Y/N and Rebecca lived in San Fernando, California. They were headed to Cate's, who lived in Amhearst, Massachusetts. That's where Rebecca was from. Her mom is the Dean of Amhearst College there.

Rebecca wanted to go to college there but her mom convinced her to go west. She said she may only get one chance to really live where she wanted in her life, so she convinced her to go where she really wanted. That was Los Angeles.

So, Rebecca moved there and went to college at San José State, lived there for the duration and decided to move closer to LA. Now, she lives outside it in San Fernando with Y/N. Rebecca is a scientist. A biologist to be specific. She likes to study the local ecosystem there in the Pacific. When she's not doing that, she's partying and running off on a new adventure. Life is never boring with Rebecca.

Y/N went to college at San José State too. She studied literature there, couldn't find a job outside college and went back for her administration degree. So, now she found herself with the career of... Director of The Museum Of Death in Hollywood. Life is weird. You end up in weird places after college sometimes.

So, yeah Y/N wasn't really where she wanted to be in her career but she had a good job. It paid beautifully and she lived in California, so... beggars can't be choosers. She was happy, and had a dark sense of humor, so it worked out.

When she wasn't at work, she was writing and binge watching The Crown on Netflix. A different life from Rebecca but still a respectable one. Rebecca brought her out of her shell a lot though. For better or for worse. She was a good match for her and her best friend.

Rebecca was straight as can be though, so there never was anything more. Y/N on the other hand... well, let's put it this way... have you ever tried writing your name with your non dominant hand? That's how straight she was.

   They were best as friends anyways, even if they both were on the same page. They were too different to work as anything more than friends. They were practically family at this point. Now that she thought of it, it was a little odd that Y/N had never met Rebecca's mom sooner.

   It just seemed like she should've. They lived together for 3 years, met in college during Y/N's senior year and Rebecca's Sophomore year. So, really it's been like 5 years since they knew each other. This was long overdue, honestly.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, we are landing at the North Hampton Airport. Please make sure you are seated and that your seatbelts are buckled. Thank you for using Delta" the flight attendant announced over the speaker.

    Y/N didn't get a seat next to Rebecca because it was last minute but at least she was on the same flight. They landed and began exiting the plane, into the airport. Y/N got out of the terminal and into the unloading zone. She looked around, trying to find Rebecca and Kyle.

She didn't see them anywhere. She sighed. She started walking towards the area where people picked up the passengers, following the signs. She stood with the crowd. She didn't know what Cate even looked like, she just realized.

So, she just stood there as people picked up their family and friends. Finally after about 5 minutes, she just sat down. "Looking for someone?" A woman next to her spoke. Y/N just laughed. "I am but to be quite honest with you, I'm not even sure what that person looks like"
Y/N laughed at herself. This was a weird predicament she was in.

The woman just laughed. Y/N finally looked up at her. It appeared to be a woman in her early 50's, blonde shoulder length hair, icey blue eyes and Nordic features. She was wearing a blue pantsuit. She might have been the most beautiful woman she's ever seen, truly.

Y/N felt nervous all of a sudden, after seeing who she was just talking so casually to. "Sounds like you're in a predicament" The woman smiled. "Yeah" Y/N Just laughed and looked at her lap. "This person, are they a taxi driver? A friend of a friend?" She asked.

"It's my friends mom. I'm actually waiting for my friend who was on the same plane as me, as well. Her and her boyfriend... he probably got them lost or something. He's a bit of a bonehead" she said. This made the woman laugh.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Y/N asked. Cate smiled. "I'm waiting for my daughter and her boyfriend. He's a bit of a bonehead too. Probably got her lost like your friends boyfriend. Maybe they're together?" She joked.

Y/N laughed. "Where are you from?" Cate asked. "I'm from Oregon, originally. I live just outside of Los Angeles now" she said. "Where are you from?" Y/N asked. Waiting didn't seem so bad now that she was talking to this beautiful woman.

"I'm from Australia actually" She said. Y/N turned beat red. Of course she was from Australia. Her accent. Dumbass. You just had to ask. "Sydney area" she said. "I live in Massachusetts now, though" she said. Y/N just smiled at her. She was embarrassed that she asked her where she was from. It should've been obvious.

"What brought you here?" Y/N asked. "Work, actually" she said. "And my love of poetry" she said. "I'm an English major! Poetry brought you here?" Y/N asked. "Yes! Emily Dickinson to be specific. She lived and grew up in the town I live in" she said. "You must check it out, while you're here. Amhearst. It's just a little place. It's very charming though" she said.

"That's actually where I'm headed! I had no idea that was where Emily Dickinson lived! I love her!" Y/N said. "You're heading to Amhearst but you didn't know Emily Dickinson lived there?!? That's the main reason people come there!" She said. "May I ask, why are you going to Amhearst?" She smiled, interested in what she had to say.

"I'm spending Christmas with my friend and her family. Her mom lives there. She's the Dean of the Amhearst College, actually" Y/N said. Immediately the blonde smiled at her in a knowing way. "Is she now?" She asked.

"Yeah, I was supposed to be meeting her over here but it doesn't seem like she's here yet" she said. "Well, neither is my friend and her boyfriend so..." she shrugged. "Nor my daughter and her boyfriend" the blonde laughed.

"I'm Cate by the way. I'm the person you're looking for" she held out her hand for Y/N to shake. Y/N just looked at her wide eyed and confused. "What?" She said, shaking Cates hand skeptically.

"My daughter didn't tell me she was bringing a friend. I'm sorry! I would've looked out for you" Cate laughed. "I didn't know until you said your friends mom was the Dean of Amhearst College" Cate laughed. "And I thought to myself, "hmm that's me"" she shook her head.

"That's very Like Becca. She never tells me anything" she said, rolling her eyes playfully. Y/N just laughed. "Well, it's nice to meet you!! Crazy circumstances but..." she smiled. Cate smiled back. "And I'm sorry I wasn't looking for you. I truly didn't know. You're absolutely welcome and she knew that but she didn't tell me" she laughed.

"I'm sorry! I feel like I'm intruding now! She said she'd ask you" Y/N shook her head and turned red. "No no no, I've been telling her I want to get to know you or meet you" Cate said. "Truly, I have been telling her that for years now" Cate said. "I'm thrilled you came along! Please, believe that" Cate said sincerely, putting her hand on Y/N's leg.

Y/N liked it when Cate touched her. She looked down at her hand and smiled. She couldn't help it. Cate caught on and removed it, smiling bashfully. "Well, thank you for having me" Y/N said, smiling at Cate. "It's... my pleasure" Cate and Y/N got caught in a gaze. They just looked at one another. There was an energy and they both felt it.

"Mom!!!" A voice interrupted them. Cate broke the gaze and looked over at her daughter who was running over to her. "Becks!!!" Cate yelled and ran over to her. She gave her the biggest hug. Kyle just stood there, 4 feet away, awkwardly.

Y/N watched as Rebecca introduced them and they chattered on. She couldn't believe it. She was going to be spending 3 weeks with this woman. This woman that she was undeniably, already attracted to. This woman that was her best friends mother. Fuck. What did she get herself into?

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