How to make a Lucy

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I've been getting good feedback on my last update so I thought, "Why not do that for everyone?". So thats exactly what I'm going to do.

3 cups retardedness
50 cups dirty powder ;)
20 cups smosh
2 jars of fart-gas
5 tsps maturity (optional)
10 tbsps affection
1 sw-egg
250g logic

1) Preheat oven to 1000° C (enough to burn the house because she's so hawt)
2) In a bowl put dirty powder, affection and logic. Mix roughly.
3) In another bowl put retardedness, fart-gas, smosh, and a sw-egg. Don't mix, just put on top of the other one for now.
4) Add maturity and stir gently.
5) Pop in the oven for a hour.
6) Bam you're done!

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