Meeting up

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(Also Seraph Palmer is you!)

Nelson had been your childhood friend
Since you were 4 and he was 4 too
When you guys Where 14 you had to be separated bc nelson had to go to a different city

You were all alone bc nelson was your safe space you always hung out w him
When you were sad you went to him and he would comfort you after 4 months without nelson

It was finally time to see him again
You couldn't wait you stayed up
Bc you were so excited to meet your bestie again

You wake up to your alarm you were also happy that it was summer that means no school
Your still laying in bed not wanting
To get up

"SERAPH GET UP!!" your brother Jax says as he throws a Pillow into your face playfully
"5 more minutes..." You say in a sleepy voice

"Seraph remember your meeting nelson again!!" Jax says knowing that will get you up
you say as your panicking to find clothes to wear

Your brother Jax walks out of the room to give you privacy to change
You finally find clothes to wear

You put this outfit on bc it was FREEZING outside you put your hair in a bun (go back to the pic up top to see how she did her hair!!)

You run downstairs as you make yourself your fav cereal which is checks
After you finish

You get on your phone and text cam and say
"Can't wait to meet you again and the rest of RWE again!!" After you text that
You put your phone on the table as you wait
For him to respond

You go outside to take
Photos you take four of them

The first comment you see is by Nelson and it says
"STUNNING SERAPH I CANT WAIT TO MEET YOU AGAIN!!" you like the comment and reply with

Your mom says it's time to go and meet up with RWE
Jax walks over to you and pushes you and says
"I bet you can't wait to meet your boyfriend nelson again mhm?" He says as he laughs

You say "hes not my boyfriend asshole"
you get into the car and put on your headphones
You put on Lana del Ray "high by the beach"
On loop

You fall asleep and next thing yk it's time to go meet RWE
You get up excitedly and text cam "we're here"
You walk into the airport as you look around
Looking for Cam and RWE (your mostly looking for nelson😝)

You finally see them and see Nelson wave and smile at you you walked over to them not wanting to cause a scene and run and scream

You hug nelson first as you guys were hugging for about 1 minute it was gonna continue longer until Cam pushed you away for Nelson

"Enough Now come give me a hug" Cam
Says as he puts out his arms to for you to hug him
_______________________________________________AUTHORS NOTE

Hi it's the author mia again I hope you enjoyed this story I will definitely be making more parts to this when I'm not busy

Pls comment vote add to reading list and most important follow me!!

YA GIRL MIA-😝😝😘😝😘😝😝😘😝😘

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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"Fall in luv w you"-Nelson NeumannWhere stories live. Discover now