Meeting Andy

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The phone rang. Jeremy sitting at his desk in his office at home left his program running on the computer to answer it.

 Jeremy sitting at his desk in his office at home left his program running on the computer to answer it

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"Hello, this is Jeremy how may I help you." This being his professional work line he had no qualms answering the phone with his name. He had a strong masculine voice, but at the same time it had some indescribable quality that just made it sound open and caring.

"Hey Jeremy it's Emma down at DCS. I've got a kid that we got notified about a couple of weeks ago. As of today the Judge has taken away all parental rights from his parents pending a full investigation into them. Honestly though I don't believe they will be getting them back." She let out a heavy sigh on the other end of the phone.

Jeremy sat back in his chair holding the receiver. In order for the parents to have already had the judge rescind their rights the parents must have been horrible to this kid. "So tell me what's up. Give me the details, and I'm assuming you would like me to foster him until a new home can be found."

There was a long pause as a keyboard clicking could be heard in the background of the call. "Well he was brought into the hospital about sixteen days ago on a Monday from his school. They called the ambulance after one of the teachers found he had a broken arm when he came into school that morning. She had noticed he was having difficulty getting his jacket off, and when they were getting off his arms she said he just started crying. That's when she saw his arm was heavily discolored and swollen from the wrist all the way up to the elbow. once the ambulance arrived he was taken to the nearest hospital." She paused for a second here. She had been saying this all in a fairly monotone voice. Reading facts from a screen. Jeremy could tell she was upset by this case.

"At the hospital his arm was x-rayed and it was determined that he had a break of both bones in his forearm. Based off the bruising and the way it looked when they examined his arm they estimated it happened around Friday night or Saturday morning. The recovery is projected to take around six to twelve weeks in total. As the they were trying to get him prepped for the doctor a nurse noticed some other marks on the boy as she was running an IV for him. However he fought against her examining him and the nurse let it go for the time." She paused here and Jeremy could hear her take a drink, and let out a sigh. "After setting the bones and casting the arm, the doctors did a full examination of his body while he was still sedated. They found multiple signs of physical abuse." She described what was found to Jeremy.

She took a pause here, and Jeremy had time to think. He couldn't understand how anyone could possibly treat any child that way let alone their own. It was simply unthinkable and he could feel his own anger rising at the thought of what this young boy had been through in his short life. After a minute or two Emma finally spoke back up.

"Sorry this is hard to even read let alone see the pictures they have of his injuries." She said with a slight hitch in her voice. "I see kids come through all the time, but this is definitely one of the worst cases I have seen."

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