100 Years of Disney

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A/N: I used the Word They, because it is a Story for every gender,🚺🚹 in this story Y/N is just in love with Luisa Madrigal, that all. 🙂☺️

Have Fun to read😊😊

It was a beautiful day at Disney Studios, but it was a special day. Disney is becoming 100 Years. 

A young Woman and Burny Mattinson are in the Roy. E. Disney Animation Building.

,,It's so incredible to think that Walt started Disney Animation 100 years ago today. To think of all those talented artists and wonderful characters who have been a part of the studio over the years.'' the woman said.

Burny Mattinson agrees: ,,Yep. If these walls could talk.'' he said and they are leave the studio.

After all Workers leaved the studio, Y/N Disney walk into the building . Y/N was the Greatgrandchild of the most famous filmproducer Walt Disney. They was the  youngest still living family member of the Disney family.

Then they walked over to a picture. In the picture were Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, and between them was a blue present, because it was Mickeys Birthday, that is also today. Then suddenly Mickey and Minnie turned their faces to Y/N and smiled.

Mickey asked: ,,Hey Y/N, it is nice that you could come.

,,Yeah, i tought you said, that you will not coming because of school?'' Minnie added.

Y/N said: Hey Guys. Yeah, our periods fall tomorrow randomly , thats why i dont have school tomorrow.''

Then they hear a ringing of a bell. It was Tinkerbell. Even that she can't talk, Y/N can understand her. Y/N can talk with all Disney characters and animals, that can't talk. Tinkerbell ringing something to Y/N.

,,Tinkerbell said, that everyone is gone'' Y/N translated

Mickey and Minnie jumped out of the picture.

Minnie get's exited ,,That is great! Now that youre here, let's get the gang, Yoo-hoo!''

Tiana hears the Signal first and jumped out of her picture: ,,There's the signal. Alright y'all! It's Picture time!''

Pinoccio leaned out: ,,That's tonight?''. ,,That's now'' Tiana added.

Judy and Nick are on the oppiside wall.

Judy hop out first: ,,A 100 year group photo! And the sun is going down. C'mon, Let's hop to it!''

Nick follows her: ,,Ooh, a bunny pun. Got to like that''.

Then a Crocodile (idk the name) with a thrumpet is almost falling on Nick.

Y/N is running with Mickey through the Building.

,,Picture time, guys!'' Y/N said to Bambi, Thumper and Flower.

,,Okey, here we come. Wake up, Wake up!'' Thumper said to Orville.

Orville flew out of the picture and almost crash into Y/N, but thank godness Y/N bend down to tied their shoe at this moment.

Then Peter Pan flew over.

Y/N asked him: ,,Hey Peter, can you get the folks upstairs?''

Peter agrees: For Walters Greatgrand Child i'll have to do everything. C'mon everybody, here we go!'' He said and flew with Wendy, John and Michael upstairs.

A/N: It is now 01:00 AM and i was just bored😅

I will continue the story, when i am in the mood😄😄

Once upon a Studio/ Luisa Madrigal X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now