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  Peyton did not want to go ice skating. Despite her love for the hobby that she had grown up doing, she didn't want to be a fifth wheel. Stiles and Lydia were by no means dating but the boy did have a very big crush on the girl so he was definitely going to be clinging to her side in hopes she would realise she was hopelessly in love with him and had been for years on end without realising.

But, that wasn't going to happen.

Even so, Peyton still didn't want to go but since Stiles had given Boyd fivety dollars the boy insisted that she went.

"Your either coming or you owe me ten dollars." He gave the girl a forceful look.

Peyton just gave him a black stare, "I payed for your lunch multiple times last week."

"For which I am very grateful, but I'm still going to need that ten dollars." Stiles gave her a boyish grin that just made her roll her eyes.

And, while the two went back and forth arguing, Scott's attention had turned to something else in the cafeteria.

Peyton's jaw dropped when saw what Scott was now looking at.

Lydia leant over the table her hands pressed to the edge, "What, in the holy hell, is that?"

The girl couldn't deny, Erica looked stunning and the look on her face gave Peyton a sneaky suspicion that she already knew that.

"It's Erica." Scott spoke, breathless.

"And she looks hot."

The three turned to look at Peyton, the girl not realising as she watched Erica walk out of the room with all eyes still on her. Except from the shocked ones that stared at Peyton.

When her head turned back to her friends, she paused at all of them looking at her. "What?" She questioned innocently, not understanding why they were all staring at her weirdly.

Before Peyton got an answer to her question the two boys had shot out of their seats and ran out of the cafeteria. Cursing under her breathe, Peyton followed eventually.

Why did they always just take off running with no prior warning?

Peyton just got outside the front doors in time to see Erica get into Derek Hale's car. The alpha smirking at the trio who stood gaping in shock.

Once again, Peyton wasn't suprised by her choice, however the lives she knew Derek was promising these teens was not the one they would actually recieve. Of course, it would be good for a few days, their confidence would rise, maybe they would make some friends and get some popularity. But, by the end of it all they would lash out on a full moon, they would constantly have hunters on their backs and always be in danger for as long as the Argents were around.


Stiles had picked Peyton up on his and Scott's way to the ice rink, she hadn't changed her outfit but had swapped her heels for trainers and added some white leg warmers.

As the girl sat tieing her laces of her white skate boots she looked over to the two pairs that had already formed. Even after year of being Stiles and Scott's other third, she still felt left out. Once again, the thought of being unloveable taunting her.

She hated that what was supposedly meant to be a fun night out with friends had turned into another reminder that Peyton Greene would never be in love.

Of course, it was slightly dramatic considering Lydia didn't even reciprocate feelings for Stiles or even know of his feelings, which Peyton didn't understand because it was blatantly obvious. But, the way Stiles felt for Lydia, cared for Lydia, looked at Lydia was enough to make Peytons hopes and dreams of being in love be crushed right in front of her.

However, even in a non romantic way, Peyton still felt so alone. She was at an ice rink with three out the four people she cares for most in the world (Logan being the fourth on a good day; Lydia and her constantly going from friends to enemies) and yet she still felt lonely. Peyton felt isolated. And, she felt guilty for it.

There she was having a night of fun with her friends and yet she was moping around? Some people weren't fortunate to have one friend, and Peyton had three amazing friends who all cared for her (and one on-again off-again friendshio) and she still found a way to complain and sulk.

People like Isaac and Erica having no one around them, the only way for them to have a better life is to be turned into werewolf with an alpha that claimed to care but was only, truely power hungry.

Letting out a sigh, Peyton stood from her place on the bench, making her way over to the rink. She hoped skating would give an escape like it used. A sense of tranquility in her forever changing life. A sense of nostalgia that made all her current anxieties wash away.

And it did.

Just as she had hoped, once the girl was on the rink, gliding around, she felt a million times better. Adrenaline and setimentality rushing through her veins as her body naturally remebered her old tricks and skills like second nature.

Being away from the ice rink so long made part of her homesick. Peyton had grown up skating, her brother had always skated due to playing ice hockey. So, naturally whenever the boy went to the rink so would Peyton even if it was just to watch Logan play. Her laugh and cheers would echo through the rink as her brother made daring moves across the ice always finding a way for his team to win.

And, after every inevitable win he would skate over to his little sister adorned in a smaller version of his jersey and celebrate the victory with her. Then, once the rink was empty he would skate around with her and hold her hand as well as lifting her up to make her 'fly'.

The ice rink was a vital part of Petyon's childhood and it was one of the happier memories that remained.

Because, when she was skating on the rink or cheering her brother play ice hockey, Peyton would forget all about the passing of her dad and the trauma and guilt her own mother had put her through.

She finally felt as though she could breathe, she felt free.

Peyton snapped out of her daze when a gut-wrenching scream was heard from the only other girl on the rink. She almost fell at the volume of the scream, but she was quick to catch herself and skate over to the wailing strawberry blonde.

Collapsing next to the girl, holding onto her arm. Just because her and Lydia didn't always see eye to eye didn't mean she wasn't going to care for her. After all they were still friends some of the time.

  Peyton shared a glance with Stiles who had now joined her in her attempts to comfort the girl, both of them concerned for their friend who scratched the ice in front of her.


bit of a short chapter but i want to be able to get to the scenes with isaac 😥

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