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December 28th

I drum my fingers on my steering wheel, pushing the stray pieces of hair that have fallen from my ponytail out of my face. Practice was hard today, especially after the few days break Coach granted me for Christmas. A call tone cuts through my music, and I hit the button on my wheel to answer it.

Theo clears his throat in the other line, "you have New Year's Eve off, right?"

"Yeah," I say tiredly. "I was asked to cover—"

"Don't," Theo says firmly.

I blink, "why?"

"I'm hosting a New Year's party and I want you to come." He explains. "I need a DJ."

I sigh, "you want me to DJ?"

"Yup," he says, popping the 'p'.

I exhale, "okay."

"Can't wait," he says sweetly before hanging up.

Drake blares through my speakers and I sigh. I've got the air conditioning on despite the temperatures outside, but my seat heater on too. It's a weird match, but it works.

My family was piled onto a plane yesterday, gone back home. Christmas was a massive success, all the gifts were worth it, the food was fucking fantastic, and it was a picture perfect day. We had our Epic-Christmas-Movie run, where we watch Christmas movies all day, from the day time wake up to the time we go to bed.

Moira and Ezra pooled their money together and bought me a pair of Uggs for the rink since I've worn my Tasmans into the ground. I got a new romance book and a new pair of pyjamas from my parents, and a figure skate ornament from the family as a whole.

We built gingerbread houses, which resulted in Moira making fun of Ezra's and Ezra standing up in his chair and body slamming the gingerbread. Moira held him in a chokehold until his face turned purple.

The French toast my dad made hit different, just as it does every year. My mom made us take sibling photos, just as she does every year. Ezra woke Moira and I up literally using a spoon and pot just as he does every year. Moira fell asleep after gifts after being woken up when it was still dark out just as she does every year.

I had fun, just as I do every year.

I slip out of my car, slamming the door shut. So, a New Year's party, hm? That should be fun. I would have to make sure Theo got me something to drink that wouldn't mess with my body. And I'd probably have to get started on the playlist sooner rather than later.

I pop into my apartment, residing in the kitchen. I pull open my Spotify, scrolling through my playlists.

Okay IK THE CHAPTER WAS SHORT it's exam season y'all I'm sorry 😭😭

Love you guys tho! Get food and water and take careee

All of my love,


Kombucha and Pepsi  (Chris Sturniolo)Where stories live. Discover now